Assignment — Cognition & amp Metacognition
July 16, 2022
July 18, 2022Learning Outcomes
a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness
e) Demonstrate the technique of reflective and reflexive practice as a means of continuous learning and self-development.
The learning design of this subject is to focus on your own leadership journey and not to study leadership as some remote, theoretical concept that applies to other people. Assessment 1, Part A, starts to build self-awareness by analysing your results on the Gallup
Strengths Finder psychometric instrument. Assessment 1, Part B, increases your self-awareness through a reflexive journal, working
with your partner, understanding your current capabilities and preparing a report on your leadership journey to the present time. Assessment 2 is a report on your plans for your continuing leadership development. The assessment reports should build on each other
and should be seen as an integrated plan for your continuing personal and professional development.
Your Task:
Your task in Assessment 1, Part A, is to complete the Gallup Strengths Finder and submit a brief report on the results and their implications for your development as a leader.
Instructions for completing Gallup strength finder:
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part A brief
Analysing results:
When you receive your results, look at your report and read the background document on the Gallup psychometric assessment. You should then prepare a 500-word report which covers the following issues:
1) A brief description of your results. Provide a copy of your report as an Appendix. It will not be included in the word count.
2) Your initial reactions to your results: any surprises, any concerns, any connections with your own self-perceptions of your leadership strengths and personality preferences, any consistencies or inconsistencies with other feedback that you have received, either from colleagues or other psychometric tests.
3) Your initial thoughts on the implications of the results for your current and future leadership: how you can draw on your strengths to enhance your current and future effectiveness.