MBA603 – New Venture Raising Capital
June 14, 2022
MKT2011 – Contemporary Literature Review
June 15, 2022Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the Assessment Task.
The Assessment Task
Demonstrate an understanding of relevant IMC theories by deconstructing an IPA 2020 Award- Winning Case Study stated within the brief. You are required to Identify and discuss how the engagement of the identified target audiences is effectively achieved. You are writing an individual analysis of the message(s), appeals and media by a brand stated below, recognising how IMC is achieved through the development of a campaign(s) over time.
You need to analyse the effectiveness of the application of IMC theories for one IPA 2020 Award-Winning case study listed below. (You MUST choose only 1 in completion of AS2).
1. SickKids foundation: SickKids VS. Conventional Fundraising
2. Tesco: From running shops to serving customers: The Tesco turnaround story
3. Guinness: Guinness Made of More 2012-2019: Consistency x creativity Full case studies found on NILE.
For your chosen case study, you must complete BOTH tasks 1 & 2:
Task 1: The role of a context analysis
1. Discuss with reference to Fill’s initial stage of the Marketing Communication Planning Framework the context analysis, and how an outside-in approach to understanding the communication context is used in your chosen IPA case study to inform the development of IMC campaign over time. Consider what information the award-winning brand gained about their target audiences, this can include the communication needs, perceptions, motivations,
attitudes, decision-making characteristics, and cultural context. To support your answer, you must present your findings/facts from your chosen case study in a table (ensuring you do not go over the wordcount), added guidance on the use of tables below**.
Task 2: IMC campaign analysis
1. Explore the communication objectives within the different stages of the campaign as identified in the case study.
Present findings/objectives from the case in a table, to enable you to then focus your analysis, use the DRIP framework to analyse objectives.
2. Provide an analysis of IMC facets:
2.1 Audience strategies: the balance between push, pull and profile
2.2 Positioning strategies: the brand positioning and differentiation achieved
2.3 The message content and use of semiotics and how it resonates with the target audiences, you should comment on cultural appropriateness. You must use visuals to support your semiotic analysis. Provide an image and annotate the image
2.4 Analyse the tools and media used to achieve the objectives by identifying the Paid, Owned, Earned and Converged Media. You are required to present an applied Venn diagram, see below example. A blank version is
provided for you to use