MKT2011 – AS2 Campaign Analysis
June 15, 2022
COM4009 – Computing
June 16, 2022Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the Assessment Task.
The Assessment Task
Provide a literature review on the philosophy and application of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) in building brand trust. Following on from your background research** of IMC discuss why adopting an “outside-in” integrated marketing communications approach drives brand trust and reduces brand distrust. **In your background you MUST CITE the following from your reading list found on NILE**
• Fill and Turnbull (2019) Marketing Communication definition
• Kliatchko (2008) 4 Pillars
• Shimps (2010) 5 features of IMC
• Porcu et al., (2012) Outside-in explanation
• Find one current viewpoint on application of the principles of IMC e.g., “integration” “customer-centricity,” this would then link to your discussion on trust.
Consider the following themes “not exhaustive” and weekly workshop content
• Building “brand trust” using intangible benefits (value) of communication
• Consumer behaviour shifts during the pandemic and changes that have been retained
• Engaging with audiences on their terms, preferences and communication needs to facilitate the consumer journey.
• Aligning all brand functions (departments), and parties (agency) interests to enable IMC within media planning.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Learning Outcome
L.O. a a) Critically evaluate the theories and frameworks of Integrated Marketing Communications.
L.O. b b) Explain the relationships between messages, tools and media and how they can be approached from an Integrated Marketing Communications perspective.
L.O. f f) Accurately, clearly and appropriately communicate, argue and counter-argue information, attitude and ideas.
Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment. Please see the grading rubric on NILE for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.
Assessment Support
Specific support sessions for this assessment will be provided by the module team and notified through NILE. You can also access individual support and guidance for your assessments from Library and Learning Services. Visit the Skills Hub to access this support and to discover the online support also available for assessments and academic skills.
Academic Integrity and Misconduct Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any other source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt this means that it is an infringement of academic integrity and, therefore, academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of the work for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether current or previously submitted.