Topic: Globalization
December 22, 2023
HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issue Sample 1
December 26, 2023Activity 1: The Milgram Experiment
Executive Summary
In the current report, we are going to discuss the Milgram Experiment. It is one of the popular studies that have been carried out on obedience in psychology by a person named Milgram (1963). Apart from that how the Milgram Experiment replicated in Australia in different areas has been identified and discussed. The start of this experiment has been begun with the own interest of Milgram on Germans. Milgram had the desire of investigating the Germans on whether they were obedient particularly to the figures of authority as this was found to be the explanation that is common for the Nazi killings in World War II. The participants were selected by Milgram for carrying out this experiment by giving advertisement in the new paper, especially for the male participants for taking part in the study of their learning at Yale University.
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At Yale University Stanley Milgram was the psychologist who experimented by focusing mainly on the conflicts between the obedience of the people to their authority and their conscience. For the acts of killing, the justification examined was offered by the accused individuals during World War II. They were defending which was repeatedly based on the obedience that they were following the order that was given by their superiors (Abbott, 2016).
In the year 1961, July the experiments began which were trialed for a year on Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. The experiment was devised by Milgram to answer the following question: Is it possible that Eichmann and his million companions in the Holocaust were simply following the order of their superiors (Milgram, 1974)?
Key Ideas
- The following are the key ideas that have been summed up in this article from the Milgram experiments on the perils of Obedience (Milgram 1974):
- Introduction to the aspects of legal and philosophical features is huge yet only a few things are known about the behavior of people in concrete situations (Mantell, Faye & Panzarella, 2014)
- The pain that is given by the ordinary citizen to another person can be tested
- The willingness of adults can go to the extreme to know almost any level of the authority commands which will constitute the key findings of the study and the facts which are demanding an explanation.
- There is one of the experiments that have been carried out by Milgram in Australia, stands out from all the other replications. The study that was conducted in Australia by Szüle et al has reported the difference between both genders in a significant manner (Szüle et al., 2014). 40 percent of the males reached the level of full obedience when compared with that of 16 percent of females. In this study, the overall obedience rate was also low at 28 percent, half the rate mentioned in the Milgram experiment. For confirmation or denial of the effect, more experiments are to be conducted.
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Conclusion and Recommendations
It can be concluded from the experiment that it is more likely for ordinary people to follow the orders that are given by the figure of authority to the extent of assassinating another human being. It is recommended for the people to use the authority which is right and has a moral sense and is based on the legal law.
Activity 1: Linear Programming Word Problem
Executive Summary
In this report introduction to Linear Programming, Word Problem is being put forth. Apart from this, the insights of this programming into the approach to rational decision-making that can be drawn are being discussed (Calhoun et al., 2015). This linear programming is used for many word problems and the applications that are related to this for finding out the solutions and the explanations in detail (Dantzig, 2016).
Linear programming the term itself sounds to be a difficult process, but it is defined as the simplest way of using the math for finding out the best way for performing the tasks. For instance, the number of things to be done or bought: In this, a system of linear inequalities is involved, known as the constraints (Paris, 2016). But in the end, we want to either maximize something that is like profit or to minimize something such as the costs. This function where maximizing or minimizing is involved, is called the objective function. During the Second World War, linear Programming was developed to solve the logistic problems of the military (Tiwari & Tiwari, 2015).
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Key ideas
- The following are some of the insights that have been drawn from the video related to linear programming word problems. It says that for solving the problems in which the application of linear programming is involved which is the graphical approach it is essential to:
- Know the way to find out the points of insertions for the lines
- Know the way to graph the linear functions
- Know the way to apply the graphical approach for linear programming
- The following are the limitations of the linear programming which are as follows:
- All the relationships are threatened as linear with linear programming. But in most of the real-life solutions, it is not true
- Only when there are integers the decision variables in the LPP will be meaningful
- If the number of constraints and variables is many then the problems are complex
- Some of the factors are not taken into account such as the weather conditions, uncertainty, etc.
- It is assumed that the parameters are constant, but in real it might not be so
- LPP can deal only if there is a single objective problem while in real life there would be more than one objective (Wang et al., 2014)
- There are various methods of solving the inequalities with two different variables, systems involving the linear inequalities with two variables in addition to the linear programming and optimization will be used for solving the word and the problems of application (Wang et al., 2014). In this, the functions such as costs, profits, returns, etc. are the things that are to be optimized. Linear programming is extensively used in today’s business for maximizing profits and minimizing costs.
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Conclusion and Recommendations
In the conclusion it can be summarized as the graphical approach of linear programming can be applied to the objective function by giving the conditions of constraint. It is recommended that linear programming can be used only if there are two variables.
Abbott, A., 2016. Modern Milgram’s experiment sheds light on the power of authority.
Calhoun, A.W., Pian-Smith, M.C., Truog, R.D., Gaba, D.M. and Meyer, E.C., 2015. The Importance of Deception in Simulation: A Response. Simulation in Healthcare, 10(6), pp.387-390.
Dantzig, G., 2016. Linear programming and extensions. Princeton University Press.
Mantell, D., Faye, A. and Panzarella, R., 2014. The Milgram paradigm as a measure of pro-social behavior: Deciding to and not to inflict pain. Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Paradigm for.
Paris, Q., 2016. An economic interpretation of linear programming. Springer.
Szüle, J., Kondor, D., Dobos, L., Csabai, I. and Vattay, G., 2014. Lost in the City: Revisiting Milgram’s Experiment in the Age of Social Networks. PloS one, 9(11), p.e111973.
Tiwari, J.K. and Tiwari, R.K., 2015. The Spirituality in Linear Programming Problems. Siddhant-A Journal of Decision Maki
Wang, J., Bolukbasi, T., Trapeznikov, K. and Saligrama, V., 2014, September. Model selection by linear programming. In European Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 647-662). Springer International Publishing.