BST302 – Dissertation Proposal Help
September 8, 2022
ECON6000 Economic Principles & Decision Making
September 8, 2022This information will not be available until 8 weeks before term. To see alignment of learning outcomes, assessment and graduate attributes in a previous term, see previous unit profile.
1 Presentation
Assessment Title Team Presentation
Task Description
Assignment submission
For students located on the metro campuses (Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne): This assessment will be a team effort. Your campus tutor will help organise you in a team of 5 members, preferably from different cultures by Week 3. The objectives of the team-based assessment are to enable you to develop your communication and interpersonal skills, achieve cross-cultural understanding, strengthen your critical and rational thinking abilities and learning and enjoy different perspectives on the same topic. You are to identify a team leader for your group and inform your campus tutor who will submit the group members’ and team leaders’ list to the Unit Co-ordinator by the end of Week 4. A distributed leadership approach whereby team members may assume the leadership role at different stages of the team development can also be implemented depending on the preferences of your group. No change in team members will be allowed afterwards.
As a team player, you are expected to do all preparatory work before meetings, attend all meetings arranged in conjunction with team members by the team leader whether it is online, on the phone or in class, contribute significantly to the group work and seriously attend to the share of work assigned to you. The team leader ONLY will upload your final assignment in Moodle by the deadline date and time. The team will present their work to their campus tutor and fellow students at a time specified by your tutor for not more than 5 minutes for each group, usually in the tutorial of Week 6 (and Week 7 if necessary). Your presentation will be marked both on the quality of the presentation as well as the content. Your campus tutor will mark your work and presentation and this will be moderated by the Unit Co-ordinator. Your presentation should not be more than 5 minutes in class, so make sure you practice your presentation and abide by the time limit. Team members will report students who did not contribute in an effective way to the assignment work to the campus tutor. Therefore, each team member may not achieve the same mark for this assignment. Students who did not belong to a group will get 0 marks. Your campus tutor will provide you with immediate feedback how the content can be improved but will not disclose marks until the return date for assignments. Feedback on your presentation will allow you to know if you are on track for the next assessment.
For distance education students: You can either submit an individual assignment by the deadline date or team up with one or more distance education student. You can use the Moodle social forum to find team members. Please inform the Unit Co-ordinator of your team membership by the end of Week 3. You are to produce the PowerPoint slides with voiceover (5 minute maximum presentation) and the team leader only will upload the slides in moodle. You do not need to read the in text referencing or references at the end of the slides when recording your voice. You should use a headset with microphone preferably or speak loudly if you use the inbuilt microphone on your laptop/computer. Please make sure your voice is clear, can be heard and understood when playing the PowerPoint slides before you upload your work into Moodle as a pptx.file. For hints on how to convert a PowerPoint slide to a presentation with voice over, please view the links below. Adding Voice Over to PowerPoint Presentations in 5 Easy Steps:
Moodle will automatically submit your draft by the deadline date for marking, so please make sure you have uploaded the correct file for marking by the deadline date and time. The Unit Co-ordinator will not accept any files by email by individual students. You need to start working on this assessment as soon as Week 3 as it involves lots of research and team preparation and you should not wait until the last minute to do this assessment. Any assignment with a Turnitin Score of more than 20% will be checked by the marker for plagiarism although it may not necessarily mean that you have plagiarised.
Assignment task
Choose any ONE new product from the website http://luxatic.com/
Your task is to undertake a market opportunity analysis for that new product in Australia. You are to provide a 5 minute maximum PowerPoint presentation with the following slides as a guideline. Your presentation should be an application of all marketing concepts, theories, tools and model discussed in the Unit until week 5 to that new product.Your PPT presentation should not be more than 7 slides. The PowerPoint slides will need to be uploaded in Moodle under the “Assessment 1” link as a pptx file (not as an mp4). A font size of at least 20 should be used.
Assessments 1 and 2 are related and you will continue to write an individual report on the same product in Assessment 2. Assessment 1 is in fact the first part of writing up a marketing plan and Assessment 2 is the second part. You can use the example given on pages 77-81 on the marketing textbook as a guide. However, you are highly recommended to check other sources for examples of marketing plans as the one in the textbook is not the best one.
Your slides should be as listed below.
- Title slide- with student names, id numbers, unit code, campus, term, year and assessment number. Introduce yourselves.
- Background – new product description and aims and objectives of the assignment
- Relevant trends in the marketing environment related to the product
- Marketing research techniques and analysis
- Market summary and demand assessment
- Brief summary of the proposed marketing mix
- Reference list: at least 8 references (correctly referenced as per APA style)
2 Report
Assessment Title Report
Task Description
Assignment submission
All assignments should be submitted online through the MRKT 20052 Moodle site. Assignments will be checked by Turnitin and compared to other sources to provide students and lecturers with a similarity score. Reports with a similarity score index of more than 20% will be checked for plagiarism by the marker (although it may not necessarily mean that the student has plagiarised). Moodle will automatically submit your draft by the deadline date for marking, so please make sure you have uploaded the correct file by the deadline date and time. The Unit Co-ordinator will not accept any files by email by individual students. You need to start working on this assessment as
soon as Week 7 as it involves lots of research and team preparation and you should not wait until the last minute to do this assessment.
Assignment task
Assessments 1 and 2 are related. Your task is to write an INDIVIDUAL report of no more than 2000 words on the second part of the marketing plan for the new product you chose for Assessment 1 from the website http://luxatic.com/. Changing the product will not be allowed at this stage. Your assignment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt until Week 12. There is no need to go into details about explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion in the case of the new product. You can use the example given on pages 77-81 on the marketing textbook as a guide. However, you are highly recommended to check other sources for examples of marketing plans.
To enhance the presentation of your assignment, you can use headings and sub-headings. The assessment marking criteria should guide you for this assessment task. Please use Times New Roman with font 12 and 1.5 line spacing in the Word document. Familiarize yourself with the University’s policies such as Assessment Policy and Procedure and so on. If you have any difficulty please discuss with your lecturer/tutor.
Assessment Criteria
Marking criteria Maximum
Report structure (including title page with your name, student id, campus, unit code, term and year; executive summary; table of contents), grammar, presentation, introduction (background info on product), conclusion and
- Steps in writing a marketing plan
- SWOT and competitor analysis
- Mission
- Set 3 marketing objectives and 3 financial objectives achievable within the first 6 months of the product launch
- Formulate a detailed marketing mix strategy and place particular emphasis on a digital marketing communication plan
- Present action programs designed to achieve the marketing and financial objectives
- Discuss the implementation and control of the marketing plan