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December 27, 2021Nursing Reflective Essay Sample
December 28, 2021Students are going back to their university life in recent weeks. And the covid vaccination report suggests that nine in 10 university students have already received their first dose of vaccination. Only some percentage of students have not been vaccinated against covid. Some students say they have already had two doses of vaccination and many are following the rule of “two-meter” distancing.
Some have reported that they had done the “Covid-19” test in the past few weeks. According to a survey, students are getting the Covid-19 tests done if they have symptoms. Most of the students were studying online due to lockdown restrictions, while some students have returned to their campus for in-person lessons and activities.
Around 85% of students are already fully vaccinated in UK universities. The UK’s university students have shown extraordinary resilience. There is no doubt that the pandemic caused major disturbance for them and also their social experience is limited that affects their interest. Most of the universities have put efforts into online teaching sources for students, which is supported by the government too. However, this has also affected the future of students.
It is very positive to see how the student is showing their interest in covid-19, which can make the situation much better. The UK’s government reflects evidence that the covid case rate is very low in students populations compared to the whole UK’s population.
The UK’s government and local authorities say they will be keeping eyes on the case rate around the universities areas, because of the safety for the students.