Business Organisations and Environments in a Global Context
April 14, 2018Contemporary themes in Professional Practice
Aligned subject learning outcomes
- Assess, manage and promote optimal nutritional status across the human lifespan, including pregnancy and lactation, within the scope of practice of a Registered Nurse and/or Registered Midwife.
- Recommend a range of evidence based strategies to promote healthy eating and lifestyle behaviours across population groups, taking into consideration the relationship between social, cultural and behavioural factors that influence nutritional intake and health.
- Apply understanding of the role and function of key nutrients in the provision of nursing and/or midwifery care for all persons across the lifespan, including managing acute and chronic diseases.
Aligned professional standards/ competencies
Follow the links for the full text of the current codes and guidelines: Codes of Ethics, Codes of Professional Conduct for Nurses and Midwives, Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (1 June 2016), Midwifery Competency Standards (January 2006), and Decision Making Frameworks (DMF) For Nurses And Midwives.
Group or individual Individual
Weighting 40%
Due date Thursday, 19 April 2018
Word count 1600 words
Using the following subheadings prepare a written response which outlines recommendations in response to the case study provided.
- Anthropometric measurements: Identify and discuss anthropometric assessment used for assessment of body composition and recommendations for weight loss targets and goals.
- Nutrition and physical activity recommendations: Provide detailed, evidence-based recommendations for both optimal nutrition modification and physical activity. Recommendations should be specifically tailored to the case study, practical and sustainable in the long term.
- Nurse led role – promoting self-management: Discuss the role and strategies a nurse could use to promote behaviour change, in turn encouraging Thomas to take an active role in self-management.
Refer to Assessment Preparation Guidelines for presentation requirements.
- Integrate a range of high quality, relevant and current literature sources and guidelines throughout your paper and use APA referencing throughout.
Word Count
- You must include a word count (including in-text referencing but excluding the reference list or any Appendices) at the end of your assignment. Word count more than 10% below or above that prescribed will be penalised by 10% deduction from the total available marks.
- Plagiarism Check Dropbox
Students should submit their assignment to the plagiarism check dropbox prior to submission to the FINAL drop box. This will help you to identify potential issues of plagiarism. It may take up to 24 – 48 hours for a safe assign report to be generated, therefore ensure you allow adequate time before the due date to complete this process. This dropbox will allow up to 3 submissions to allow for any final editing.
- FINAL dropbox
Students should submit the final version of the assignment to the FINAL dropbox. This dropbox will only accept one attempt to submit this task. A late penalty will apply to submissions after midnight on the due date.
Late submissions
Any assessment that does not have an approved extension by the Subject Coordinator will incur a late penalty if submitted after the due date. Five percent (5%) of the marks available for the assessment item will be deducted per calendar day, including part-days, weekends and public holidays.