Financial Market
January 25, 2022
Tourism Management Assignment
January 25, 2022Organizational Transformation in Film Analysis
Organizational transformation refers to the transforming process and changing the corporate culture’s existence to attain a competitive advantage or handle a significant problem. It increases the worker’s morale and drives positive team building and job enrichment, positively affecting productivity and quality of work while reducing costs and shortening production cycles. The issues in the film relate to what I have learned in the course in different ways. The film shows how organizational culture significantly impacts corporate culture performance and how employees in many organizations don’t understand what constitutes culture (Hultman & Hultman, 2018). It also shows the planned interventions in the organization’s processes using behavioural science knowledge and how to increase organization effectiveness and health.
Appreciative inquiry is one of the best ways that, as organizational development (OD) practitioner, I can use it to address the film’s issues. It will enable me to approach the problems by focusing on what is working exceptionally well and not focusing on the problems. It will help me encourage the employees to remember their best times, which made them the best to make them recognize that they have similar dreams for the organization, inspiring them to create the best organisation possible. An individual’s emotional intelligence can be assessed through facial expression recognition of the main actors (Côté, 2014). I would also focus on how the main characters manage their behaviour in different situations, how they react to others and make their personal decision that affects their levels of prosperity.
Killman’s conflict management style can help me solve the conflicts in the film I viewed. I can use the collaborative approach to confront the conflict by considering all possible solutions achieving results that satisfy both conflict parties making the parties focus on the same goals and not different mindsets (Trippe & Baumoel, 2015). I would encourage competing to attain the goal at the other individual’s expense in an uncooperative and assertive manner.
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Côté, S. (2014). Emotional intelligence in organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 459–488. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-031413-09…