Dietary Analysis
March 10, 2022
Project Summary Report
March 10, 2022The south America Realm
The South America realm is accompanied by a series of features and elements that have made the region to be active and important over the years. For instance, the region is characterized by a wide diversity of physical landscapes. This diverse set of physical characteristics provides a diverse range of resource bases, allowing people to engage in economic activities, accumulate money, and meet their basic requirements. The Andes’ vast range has mineral treasures that have been mined since prehistoric times. Precious metals have been extracted from the mountains to provide significant chances for those who are fortunate enough to benefit. In the extreme north of Venezuela and Colombia, fossil fuels have been discovered in abundance.
The Amazon Region has long been known for its hardwoods and, more recently, its vast mineral resources. This region is home to some of the world’s largest iron-ore mines. The vast plains of Brazil and the rich soils of the Pampas enable extensive agricultural operations that feed the region and the rest of the world. Even in the harsh Atacama region of northern Chile, some of the world’s greatest copper reserves may be found. Furthermore, the wide diversity of temperate zones allows for the development of a diverse spectrum of species. Physical geography extremes in South America have generated both hurdles and chances for individuals who live there, including the High Andes Mountains in the Amazon basin’s tropical jungle.
Domestic servants were mostly destitute people who agreed to work for a set length of time, generally less than seven years, in exchange for basic requirements such as accommodation, food, transportation, and clothing. These employees were not normally paid a salary, but instead received a lump sum payment after the agreed-upon service was completed. Indentured servants were treated like relatives and obtained valuable experience and vocational skills to help them provide for their families in the future. Most of those circumstances were far less desirable and resembled a sort of slavery in which people died of disease, terrible surroundings, or death rather than surviving their servitude.
The cultural characteristics of South American areas are a result of both the physical surroundings and colonialism’s effect. Ethnic majorities affected by early colonial development can be used to split the continent into regions. A rich cultural mosaic has resulted from the blending of ethnic groups from Europe, Africa, and Asia with each other or with the indigenous people. For example, the majority of people in Guyana and Suriname are Asian, the majority of people in Argentina and Uruguay are European, the majority of people in Peru and Bolivia are Amerindian, and the majority of people in several regions along Brazil’s eastern coast are African. In South America, a high proportion of the population is of mixed ethnicity. Understanding South America’s cultural geography aids awareness of the continent’s human history.
The modern economic growth of South America has aided its integration into the global economy. Within the realm, there are several different stages of economic growth. Within many sections of the continent, there are evident indicators of core-peripheral spatial structure, and rural-to-urban migration has been strong in several locations. Rural areas in the Andes and the interior lack the financial resources needed to upgrade their infrastructure. At the same time, urbanized areas are rapidly developing and becoming more integrated with global markets and cutting-edge technology. The majority of the major cities are found around the coast. This urbanization pattern is primarily the product of colonial activities and impact.
South American countries are cooperating to connect their trade and commercial activity. Trade treaties and economic mergers have become commonplace techniques of gaining corporate alliances to improve the realm’s economic potential and patterns of development. The early political geography of South America was established by European colonialism. In 1494, Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, which granted them exclusive colonization rights over all lands outside of Europe. The accord also established a demarcation line, with Spain receiving all land west of the line and Portugal receiving all land east of it. Spain dominated the majority of South America, while Portugal conquered modern-day Brazil. The educational activity of Christian missionaries has resulted in the domination of the Spanish and Portuguese languages across the continent. They also created writing systems for indigenous languages like Quechua, Nahuatl, and Guarani.
The historical, economic, and cultural characteristics of the South American region have all played a key influence in the region’s global significance. South America’s historic cultures arose in response to various geographical settings. The Pacific coast, which was ideal for fishing and trading communities, the Amazonian basin’s major rivers, which had ample water, plant, and animal resources, and the Andes, which gave protection, were the three main areas of early civilization. The Incan Empire is South America’s most well-known indigenous culture.
In 1438, the Inca Empire was founded in Peru’s Andean capital of Cuzco. The empire grew over 100 years to cover areas of modern-day Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and Colombia. The Inca created a massive network of roadways to allow them to communicate throughout this enormous country. This network consisted of two major north-south routes, one going along the Pacific coast and the other through the Andes. The two were connected by a number of east-west roadways. The Inca built shrines, food storage places, and signal towers along this stunning “foot highway.” These monuments, as well as the roads that connected them, facilitated the Incas’ control of most of the western part of the region. Contemporary civilizations delve into South America’s rich heritage. Organizations are reaching out to a larger global audience to communicate social and political messages as well as generate cash through tourism and investments.
Traditional peoples are still well-represented throughout South America. The Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin brings together nine organizations that represent each Amazon country. COICA promotes indigenous practices while focusing on resource sustainability. The organization has worked on problems such as environmental policy, developed over the years, and native leadership training. Many South American civilizations are still based on religious activities. While Catholicism is the dominant religion on the continent, other religious faiths have had an impact on both sacred and secular activity.