Project Management Case Study
January 13, 2022
Political Science – Globalization
January 13, 2022The problem of unemployment and poverty has been an increasing issue following the problem of lack of job opportunities. The vulnerable populations are often the most affected by these challenges due to the discrimination and oppression of these groups. The majority of the vulnerable population and franchised groups face the challenge of poverty since they lack employment opportunities since their voices are not heard by the government. The research below focuses on the policies affecting this problem, the ethical problems, ethical theories, and recommendations.
The vulnerable and disenfranchised groups are greatly affected by the issue of unemployment as compared to the dominant groups due to the lack of proper advocation and availability of equal opportunities. Vulnerable populations mainly face job discrimination due to their age, job experience, and their physical appearance. The vulnerable and disenfranchised groups generally lack the support of the government and the social community leading to them being paid low wages since they are desperate for employment. The lack of employment is the major issue impacting the vulnerable people in the society hence causing poverty. This unemployment is caused by the shift in the labour market which discriminates against the vulnerable populations since the majority of the organization is looking for experienced workers. The unemployment of the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups has had a lot of economic, emotional, and social impact on their lives since they are unable to cater to their needs hence they fall into a state of poverty. (Mitchell, Molnar, Renahy, Muntaner & Ng, 2018)
The vulnerable and disenfranchised groups in the community mainly feel abandoned by the government and the community at large since their problems are not largely addressed leading to them becoming poor to the point of facing homelessness. These groups generally tend to get employment only in casual jobs that pay low wage rates that are not adequate for the sustenance of their life. The lack of an inclusive society is one of the major contributors to the increase in poverty and unemployment levels among the vulnerable populations and disenfranchised groups since the burden of poverty is not shared among the whole society but a few individuals. The discrimination by organizations and industries when it comes to the selection of labour markets in the labour market has also contributed to the rise of their unemployment and poverty. The vulnerable and disenfranchised groups are not accorded with their human rights when it comes to matters of employment. (Grotlüschen, Buddeberg & Redmer, 2019)
The groups of people around the world that are adversely affected by the issue of unemployment and poverty are people with disabilities, the old people, the people living with HIV, and the young population. The dominant groups who are not affected are the people without disabilities and the people between the age of 24 and 60 since they are not affected by the shift in the labour markets. This group of people are the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups since they have no voice in the community and are often oppressed due to their differences in cultural groups. These vulnerable groups mainly face unemployment due to the discrimination in the labour markets due to the discrimination in the employment opportunities. The vulnerable groups of people often succumb to poverty since they lack employment opportunities for their lifestyle and lives leading to them being unable to cater to their needs. These groups have been historically discriminated against and oppressed by the policies, decisions, and actions of others. For example, people with disabilities have often faced the problem of unemployment since the majority of the organization do not like hiring them since they doubt their ability to perform the job efficiently and effectively as a normal person would. (Mitchell, Molnar, Renahy, Muntaner & Ng, 2018)
The social and macroeconomic policies have been of the major factors that have affected the vulnerable populations. The social policy affects the ability of the society to share the burden of unemployment and poverty. Historically the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups have always been affected by these policies and decisions since they were restricted in their search for employment. The social policies generally reduce the unemployment and poverty rate of the vulnerable population since they include financial assistance, unemployment benefits, income support, and housing benefits which cater to the eradication of poverty. The social policies on unemployment include the development of more casual jobs and financial and medical assistance to help them before they attain another job. The macroeconomic policies and decisions that affect the unemployment and poverty level of the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups include the fiscal policies that include the reduction of taxes to help in the reduction of structural employment. Availability of government subsidies on the organization and firms that mainly invests in the vulnerable population since they help in the reduction of the number of unemployment cases. The macroeconomic policies are important in the eradication of poverty among the vulnerable population since they lead to the creation of more job opportunities by encouraging foreign investors. The macroeconomic policies also affect the organizational policies hence they would help in the eradication of the discriminatory policies on vulnerable populations in the country. (Grotlüschen, Buddeberg & Redmer, 2019)
BHO0202 Assignment 2 Managing Organisational Design and Change
The ethical problem facing them is the lack of equality, fairness, and transparency in the country. The other ethical problem is the oppression and discrimination of vulnerable groups in society. The social contract theory is one of the major theories that are in the evaluation of the potential of equity of the different strategies and solutions since it advocates for the social protection of the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups. The social contract theory would mainly focus on the promotion of justice, social protection, social integration, and the reduction of poverty within vulnerable groups. The theory of social contract would promote equitable treatment for the vulnerable and disenfranchised population by advocating for the government to develop contractual approaches for the promotion of progressive social contracts. The social contract theory would help in the establishment of measures that would promote fairness and equality for the vulnerable population when it comes to employment, human rights, and treatment in the country. The social contract theory would decrease the developmental strategies that diminish the hope of the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups in the employment sector in the organization and firms. The theory of the social contract brings about changes by finding effective and possible solutions to solve the problem of unemployment and poverty in the vulnerable and disenfranchised populations. The social contract theory helps in the proper allocation of contracts and employments among the vulnerable population since they require special attention from the federal government. (Grotlüschen, Buddeberg & Redmer, 2019)
I would recommend for the government to focus on advocating for equal and fair treatment of the vulnerable populations in the community by removing this as a basis of discrimination in employment activities, for the government to create more job opportunities for the vulnerable populations, and for the government to provide them with financial assistance to help them support themselves. The other recommendation would be for the government to look into developing an economic activity that focuses on promoting the talents and abilities of the vulnerable populations. I would also recommend for the community to change its views on the vulnerable population by helping in the advocation practices to help their needs, problems, and requirements to be understood by the public and gain worldwide recognition. Society could also help by advocating for fair and equal treatment of the vulnerable population by stopping focusing on their challenges but focusing more on their achievements and accomplishments. I would recommend that organizations stop using discriminatory practices on the vulnerable populations but focus on creating a conducive work environment for them. These recommendations would help in the reduction of the unemployment and poverty level within the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups by creating a conducive environment for them to prosper and succeed. (Mitchell, Molnar, Renahy, Muntaner & Ng, 2018)
Mitchell, C., Molnar, A., Renahy, E., Muntaner, C., & Ng, E. (2018). Connections between unemployment insurance, poverty, and health: a systematic review. Retrieved 16 November 2020, from https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckx235.
Grotlüschen, A., Buddeberg, K., & Redmer, A. (2019). Vulnerable Subgroups and Numeracy Practices: How Poverty, Debt, and Unemployment Relate to Everyday Numeracy Practices – Anke Grotlüschen, Klaus Buddeberg, Alina Redmer, Harald Ansen, Jesper Dannath, 2019. Retrieved 16 November 2020, from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0741713619841132.