HI6028 – Benefits And Taxable
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022Introduction
The nursing profession can be tough, as it requires a lot of dedication and patience. The nursing job can be traumatized as they can have mental attachments with the patients that they are treating. In case of adverse results, it is imperative that the nurses and the care providers also become negatively affected. The description of the issues in this profession will be discussed in this essay. The consequences of workloads in the nursing profession will be discussed in detail in this essay. The impact of the issue of workloads in the nursing profession on the safety of the patients will be discussed in detail in this essay. The strategies that could be used to reduce this issue is also been examined in this essay in detail.
ASS114-2 Inter-Professional Working in Health and Social Care Assignment Help
Description of the professional issue
In nursing practice, there are many issues some of them are discussed above and some will be discussed below in the essay. The chosen nursing professional issue is nursing workloads. The pressure and the workload of nurses are very much. They had to do overtime due to the crisis of nurses in the hospital or the clinic. There is no safety in this job as patients come with a lot of diseases that are contagious and can risk the life of nurses (Coventry, Maslin‐Prothero & Smith, 2015). They have to be very particular regarding their job and they must possess enough knowledge about patient handling and about medicines. Nurses also have to have knowledge about every section of medicine, as their work is an all-rounder. When they are having workloads they are not able to sleep properly or do not have food properly. This is leading to negligence in work and this can affect the safety of the patients (Aydin et al. 2015). When the nurses have to do overtime it is not for people who are interested, moreover, overtime is mandatory for the nurses to do. There are many more issues in the nursing profession like influenza and infectious diseases that are spread to the nurses that sometimes take their life as well. Nurses have to be very alert that they do not pass any confidential information about the patients to outsiders that will harm the professional life of the nurse.
Explain the significance of the chosen professional issue of nursing
The significance of the chosen professional issue of nursing is that the nurses do not get time to rest and they do not get time for their families and for themselves. The workload issue of nurses is divided into four levels those are workload at the unit level, the workload at the job level, the workload at the patient’s level and the situation-level workload.
The workload at the Unit Level
The unit-level workload is the measure of the patients to the nurse ratio in a hospital or a clinic. When the patient-nurse ratio does not match it turns out to be a workload for the nurses, as one nurse has to treat two to three patients at a time. This makes the work of the nurses very difficult and gives a lot of pressure on the nurses (Van Bogaert et al. 2014). The research previously says that the workload of the nurses at the unit level has created a lot of problems in the safety of the patients. The issue is that the workload of nurses are considered at a very low level and the profession of nurses are been ignored as well.
The workload at the Job Level
The workload of the nurses depends on the area or the department in which they are specialised. The workload is more in the ICU, CCU or in the Burn care unit. Mostly the pressure is in this job level. Hence, if there is a crisis of nurses in these areas, they have to do overtime, which will increase the workload of the nurse and makes it difficult for them bear the pressure (Aydin et al. 2015). Measuring workload at the job level is suitable and is useful in comparing the workload level of the nurses with the diverse in specialities or job.
Workload at the Patients Level
The research has proved that the workload of the nurses is more because of the medical condition of the patients. It is true that treating a patient brings an attachment between the nurse and the patients as more than the doctors the nurses handle the patients. Moreover, when the patient health condition deteriorates, the nurses tend to panic and it increases their pressure and workload more (Van Bogaert et al. 2013). This case has been discussed in the literature of nursing comprehensively to make the nurses understand regarding the pressure they have is more for the patient’s level and not from the job level.
Situation- Level Workload
There is another way of measuring the workload of the nurse is that situation level workload. The situation of the nurse depends on the number of patients that is been allotted to one nurse. Nurses are panicked when the condition of the patients deteriorates and they are not able to do anything. If the nurses are in such a situation where the condition of the patient is bad and the doctor is not around it pressurize the nurses physically and mentally (Hughes et al. 2015). This increases the workload of the nurses a lot and makes them tired. This can adversely affect the patient, as other patients may not be given much time of care and support.
Explain how the chosen professional issue affects the patient safety
The chosen professional issue is nursing workloads and the impact of nursing workload on patients is that if the nurse is on pressure then the effect will be impacted on the patient’s safety. The workload of nurses may make the nurse mentally weak and then they can forget to give medicines to the patients that will affect the safety of the patients. When there is a huge workload on nurses, they neglect to work and this might create a big problem for the patients. If a nurse has been allotted, five patients and two of them are very serious then the nurse will attain those two patients more than the other three. This lowers the safety of the other three patients. If the nurses have to work for more than their working hours as overtime, the nurses will not get enough rest and this will make them lethargic (Coventry, Maslin‐Prothero & Smith, 2015).
They will avoid the patients and will rarely visit the patients. In the meanwhile, if a patient gets serious then it can take the patient’s life as well. Negligence can lead to a patient’s death that will create a great impact on the nurse mentally. The job of nursing is very powerful as the behaviour of the nurses can heal a patient. If a nurse behaves badly with the patient then the patient’s body refuses to react to the medicine that affects the patient’s health. On the other hand, if the patients are treated nicely and with care then the patients recover on a faster scale. They must be extremely specific with respect to their occupation and they should have enough learning about patients taking care of and about solutions. Attendants likewise need to know about each area of remedial, as their work is an all-rounder. When they are having workloads, they are not ready to rest appropriately or not have nourishment legitimately.
This is prompting carelessness in work and this can influence the security of the patients. At the point when the medical caretakers need to do, the extra minute it is not for individuals who are intrigued in addition the extra time is obligatory for the attendants to do. It is extremely basic for the doctor’s facility to deal with crafted by the medical caretakers legitimately so the attendants can work with devotion. The procedure is likewise this ever-increasing number of medical attendants must be enlisted in the healing facility so the workload can be separated and this will diminish the weight of individual medical attendants (Greenglass & Burke, 2016). At the point when a medical caretaker is, going to a basic patient then that attendant must not be dispensed with some other patient in light of the fact that the medical attendant would then be able to care for the basic patient legitimately. Something else, if the medical caretaker is offered a few patients at one time and between them, one of them is basically the attendant will, for the most part, accomplish that patient and will take less care of the other two patients. Truly treating a patient brings a connection between the medical attendant and the patients as more than the specialists the attendants handle the patients.
Explain the strategies that can be utilised to minimise the impact of the chosen professional issue on nursing practice and patient safety
The strategies that are chosen so that it can be used in reducing the workload of the nurses and maintain the safety of the patients is that one patient must be given maximum three patients to handle. They must also be allotted same ward patients so that they can take care of the patients simultaneously without running from one ward to the other. It is very important for the hospital to manage the work of the nurses properly so that the nurses can work with dedication. The strategy is also this the more and more nurses must be recruited in the hospital so the workload can be divided and this will lessen the burden of individual nurses (Weigl et al. 2015). When a nurse is attending a critical patient then that nurse must not be allotted with any other patient because the nurse can then look after the critical patient properly. Otherwise, if the nurse is given two to three patients at one time and between them, one of them is critical, the nurse will mostly attain that patient and will take less care of the other two patients. It is true that treating a patient brings an attachment between the nurse and the patients as more than the doctors the nurses handle the patients. The strategies that can be used to lessen the work pressure of the nurse is that their working hours must be for eight hours so that they can get proper rest and can work efficiently on the next day (Van Bogaert et al. 2014). The work in the nursing profession needs dedication and lot of patience, hence, they must get ample amount of reset so that the next day they do not feel lethargic and take care of the patients with dedication and with serenity.
In this essay, it has been discussed that nurses face a lot of issues, however, an issue that is been taken is the workload of nurses. The description of the issues in nursing professionals is been discussed in detail. The implication of workloads in the nursing profession and the effect of workload on the safety of the patients is also been discussed in detail in the essay. This essay it is also been discussed the strategies that can be used in decreasing the issue of workloads in nursing practice and for the safety of patients.
Aydin, C., Donaldson, N., Stotts, N. A., Fridman, M., & Brown, D. S. (2015). Modelling hospital‐acquired pressure ulcer prevalence on medical‐surgical units: Nurse workload, expertise, and clinical processes of care. Health services research, 50(2), 351-373.
Coventry, T. H., Maslin‐Prothero, S. E., & Smith, G. (2015). Organizational impact of nurse supply and workload on nurses continuing professional development opportunities: an integrative review. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(12), 2715-2727.
Greenglass, E. R., & Burke, R. J. (2016). Stress and the effects of hospital restructuring in nurses. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 33(2).
Hughes, R. G., Bobay, K. L., Jolly, N. A., & Suby, C. (2015). Comparison of nurse staffing based on changes in unit‐level workload associated with patient churn. Journal of nursing management, 23(3), 390-400.
Van Bogaert, P., Clarke, S., Wouters, K., Franck, E., Willems, R., & Mondelaers, M. (2013). Impacts of unit-level nurse practise environment, workload and burnout on nurse-reported outcomes in psychiatric hospitals: a multilevel modelling approach. International journal of nursing studies, 50(3), 357-365.
Van Bogaert, P., Timmermans, O., Weeks, S. M., van Heusden, D., Wouters, K., & Franck, E. (2014). Nursing unit teams matter: Impact of the unit-level nurse practise environment, nurse work characteristics, and burnout on nurse reported job outcomes, and quality of care, and patient adverse events—A cross-sectional survey. International journal of nursing studies, 51(8), 1123-1134.
Van Bogaert, P., van Heusden, D., Timmermans, O., & Franck, E. (2014). Nurse work engagement impacts job outcome and nurse-assessed quality of care: model testing with nurse practise environment and nurse work characteristics as predictors. Frontiers in psychology, 5.
Weigl, M., Antoniadis, S., Chiapponi, C., Bruns, C., & Sevdalis, N. (2015). The impact of intra-operative interruptions on surgeons’ perceived workload: an observational study in elective general and orthopaedic surgery. Surgical endoscopy, 29(1), 145-153.