Omni-Channel Communication
January 20, 2022
The Dinka Illness
January 21, 2022Client Information
Lily Owens is a white fourteen-year-old female from South Carolina. Lily’s mother died when she was four years old, and she has a poor relationship with her abusive father, T. Ray Owens. Living in a world full of racism, she avoids hostility and mistreatment to the black community and embraces the value of Christianity. She has a healthy relationship with Rosaleen, an African American woman who works for her father. (Bythewood, 2008) Lily runs away from her home and journeys to the town of Tiburon with the aim of finding information about her mother, Deborah Fontanel Owens. At Tiburon, she finds August Boatright and her sisters, and there she finds a home and an environment that has a positive impact on her.
Presenting Problems or Concerns
Lily Owens faces various issues as a teenager. She faces issues of identity, self-consciousness and parental issues. She also has the urge to know more about her dead mother, but her father T. Ray Owens does not give her the information she needs. After her father informs her that her mother left her as a child, she runs away from home to find out more information about her mother. (Bythewood, 2008) Lily also battles with the guilt and beats herself up mentally for her mother’s death. She is also angry and upset about her mother leaving her when she was young.
Client strengths
Lily struggles with various circumstances as a teenager, including living with an abusive father, but she remains strong and tough. She stands up to his father regardless of his many threats. Lily is courageous. After witnessing Rosaleen being beaten down by white racist men in Sylvan, she tries to defend herself. She also shows courage when she saves Rosaleen from imprisonment and runs away with her. Lily is intelligent. When Lily and Rosaleen finally get to Tiburon, Lily was able to make up a false past so that they would have a place to stay. She learns new skills of beekeeping in Tiburon and even expressed her strengths in English and her wish to be a writer. (Bythewood, 2008) She also gets Rosaleen from the hospital and plans their escape from the police officers. Lily is loving. Lily lives in a world full of racism against the black community. Even though she was aware of her environment, she chooses to have a healthy relationship with Rosaleen. Lily is caring. She does not stand by and watch the white racist men beat up Rosaleen but instead, she tries to defend her. After lily’s father tells her that Rosaleen may die at the hand of the racist, she plots a plan to save her.
Current risk factors
Lily lived in South Carolina with her father. However, her father was abusive and was not loving Lily. Lily had an urge to know more about her mother, who she accidentally killed when she was four years old. Her father was not willing to talk about her mother, and he even tells Lily that her mother left her when she was young. South Carolina was not a good environment for Lily for she was faced with various undesirable factors for her peace of mind. When Lily gets to Tiburon and meets August and her sisters, she receives love and care from them, and she is taught about beekeeping. Lily also meets Zach, August’s Godson, and build a healthy relationship with him. Zach supports Lily to achieve her dreams and gives her a journal where she would write her thoughts. The Boatright home provides the right environment Lily needs to feel the love she did not receive in South Carolina.
Family History
Lily is a single young female. Lily’s mother died when she was four years old, and she has a poor relationship with her father (Bythewood, 2008). However, lily has a healthy relationship with August, her sisters and Zach in Tiburon. Lily’s father is abusive to her as he was to Lily’s mother.
Father: T. Ray Owens
Mother: Deborah Owens
Daughter: Lily Owens
Psychiatric/Mental Health History
Lily has no psychiatric history.
Trauma or Significant loss
At the age of four, lily witnessed a fight between her mother and father, and she took the gun at the floor and accidentally shot her mother, who then died. The death of Lily’s mother left her longing for her mother’s love. Her longing for her mother made her want to know more about her mother. She requests her father that her wish for her birthday was to know more about her mother, but her father refuses to give her details about Deborah. Lily has tortured herself up mentally for her mother’s death. Lily has also been upset about her mother leaving her when she was young. The Boatright home provided her with the healing she needed, and she forgives herself and her mother.
Medical History
Lily has no medical history.
Educational history
Lily has no educational history.
Social and cultural history
Lily was raised in an environment where black Americans we discriminated against and mistreated. However, lily ignores the perception of the black community and instead builds a healthy relationship with black people such as Rosaleen, August and her sisters, and Zach. She showed love and care to the black community and even embraced Christianity. After running away from South Carolina, she goes and lives with a black family.
Social history
Lily communicates well and answers questions well without hesitation. Lily describes having a good social network outside the family. She has been able to create healthy bonds with many people. She describes herself as an extrovert. She communicates well with people. Lily claims to have social support, especially from the black community.
Substance use/abuse history
Lily has no substance use or abuse history.
Religious/Spiritual history
Lily has embraced Christianity, and she values religion.
Vocational history
Lily currently works in August’s bee farm. She has never been employed. She values the beekeeping and honey production work and has not expressed any complaint about the work.
Mental Status Exam
Lily looks healthy, and she speaks clearly and fluently. Lily’s coordination and participation are good. Her thought process, insight and judgement are good. She also has intellectual functioning emotions.
Safety assessment
Lily is friendly and social; thus possess no threats to other people.
Client formulation
Lily Owens has faced various hardships in her life as a teenager, but she was strong enough to overcome all the circumstances that came her way. She is intelligent, and she finds solutions to problems rather than let the problem affect her. Her previous home had affected her emotional and mental stability. Her father’s actions and her deep longing to know about her mother had negative impacts on her mental state and behaviour. However, her new home and the people around it has positively impacted her mental state and behaviour. She has become better than her father, and the environment has made her be willing to forgive herself, her father and her mother. She has accepted her mother’s death and has let go of the anger and bitterness she had about her mother leaving her when she was young. Her new environment has led to creating healthy bonds with many individuals.
Bythewood, G. P. (Director). (2008). The Secret Life of Bees [Motion picture on Film]. USA: Overbrook Entertainment; The Donners’ Company.