Reaction Paper Sample
January 6, 2022Reaction Paper Sample 1 Development
January 6, 2022Question 1: What health promotion model or models are the program going to utilize and why?
The program would implement the health promotion model proposed by Pender which is based on four primary assumptions. The assumptions involve inclination among individuals to ensure active regulation of their personal behaviour. Furthermore, individuals in society are able to interact with their environment for its progressive transformation alongside ensuring personal transformation. People are capable of reforming the approaches for interaction between individuals and the environment that can contribute to the changes in behaviour. Another significant reason for considering Pender’s health promotion model for the diabetes awareness program is the involvement of health professionals including nurses in the interpersonal environment thereby ensuring productive influence on people throughout their lifespan (, 2018).
The effectiveness of the diabetes awareness programme could be refined by considering the essential concepts of a health promotion model that include previous behavioural trends, frequency of unfavourable behaviour, and individual experiences as well as inherent characteristics of the individual. The personal factors should be the major object of concern in the program as it would focus on the socio-cultural, psychological, and biological implications pertaining to an individual. The emphasis on these factors is necessary since they dictate a specific trait or behaviour that is in turn modified by the nature of the target behaviour i.e. diabetes.
Question 2: What is the setting/supportive environment where your program will take place? Is this the most appropriate given your target population? Why?
The impact of the supportive environment on obtaining promising health outcomes could be identified from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Supportive environments are primarily intended towards safeguarding individuals from the factors that could impose detrimental impacts on their health (, 2018).
The supportive environment or the setting in the Indian community at Melbourne could be identified in the education and empowerment, advocacy for policy changes, and equitable access to supportive environments for health through mediating the various issues of the society at clash with each other. These aspects are considered appropriate for the Indian community on the grounds of preferences for equitable access to health services and advocacy for social changes in terms of policies.
Question 3: What individual health education (or personal skills) need to be considered? What knowledge deficits do you need to address? (What education is needed or gap in knowledge recognized? For whom? Why?
The skills in health education required specifically for the purpose of the diabetes awareness program reflect on the risk-oriented and lifestyle-oriented health education. Therefore, from a personal perspective, the individual knowledge deficits which have to be addressed include community empowerment, facilitating improvement of public consciousness, and awareness of legislative reforms. Other significant elements that are required for improving aspects of health education include the impact of policy development in the context of health. It is also essential to obtain a clear impression of the significance of adopting a political role in order to advocate for the diabetes care inequities faced by the Indian community in Melbourne (, 2018).
Question 4: What other stakeholders need to be involved in your program? And why?
The other stakeholders that need to be involved in the program include the authorized representatives of the Indian community in Melbourne, non-profits, community welfare agencies and institutions that facilitate grants for the program. These stakeholders have to be involved because of distinct reasons among which the community welfare agencies and representatives of the community could provide higher penetration for the program alongside sustainable engagement of the community (, 2018). Furthermore, it is also imperative to consider the involvement of non-profits in increasing the outreach of the program alongside leveraging their specialization in public awareness campaigns and community-based events.
References (2018). Supportive environments | Working in Health Promoting Ways. Retrieved 16 March 2018, from (2018). Health Promotion Model – Nursing Theory. Retrieved 16 March 2018, from