May 4, 2022
International Business Strategies – A case study of Amazon.com
May 16, 2022Critically apply a sound knowledge base of evidence and research paradigms to professional nursing practice. Evaluate and critically reflect upon the impact and application of policy and apply to evidence based nursing practice. Demonstrate a critical and analytical understanding of ethical frameworks required for research within professional nursing practice. Critically discuss and apply a variety of research. methodologies and techniques to review, consolidate, extend and apply nursing knowledge. Promoting Pubic Health. This module will introduce concepts such as: key determinants of health, factors such as culture and the impact, that this has upon health and illness within a multitude of settings. health assessment and promotion, current government long term drivers to create a wellness service and to strengthen policy locally and nationally. An in-depth appreciation of contemporary nursing and health promotion practice. A critical understanding of behavioural and social sciences and how these impact upon public health, health inequalities in the health, well-being, altered health, disability of users and carers. Critically evaluate the impact and application of public health policy and practice at a local and national level in all areas of service delivery Critical appreciation of the interplay between nursing and partner agencies in the promotion of health and reduction of health inequalities Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics in Contemporary Practice. A greater understanding of pharmacology and medicines management within the social context of health care A greater understanding of pharmacology and medicines management within the professional context of Adult nursing professional practice Critically evaluate general aspects of pharmacology
within contemporary nursing practice Critically investigate the roles and relationships of others
involved with prescribing, supplying and administering medicines. Facilitating Teaching, Learning & Assessment in Practice. This module introduces the student to their role
and responsibilities in promoting and facilitating the learning and assessment of others The student will be introduced to a range of learning and assessment tools and models This module is mapped to the NMC Standards (2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in practice and is concerned with the application of the teaching and assessment required by a practitioner in the facilitation of learning with others. Psychological Approaches in Mental Health Care. There are a significant number of various psychological approaches and interventions available, with different approaches having their supporters and detractors. The evidence supporting different therapies is complex, with many ongoing contemporary debates in the area. This module aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the various psychological approaches used by practitioners within contemporary mental health nursing practice. Problem Based Learning / Negotiated Learning. Studying on this module will enable the student to negotiate and explore in a critical and focused way an issue pertaining to the theory and professional practice of adult or mental
health nursing The aim of this module is to facilitate students to deepen their understanding of an area of interest, which has developed out of their professional nursing practice or study on the
programme This is achieved through the production of an individual learning contract agreed between the students and designated supervising lecturer. Contemporary Professional Nursing Practice. LO 1 Critically analyse the dynamic changes in contemporary health care practice and how these impact upon person centred care. LO 2 Critically Evaluate the changes in health policy and public health to inform safe and effective clinical practice. LO3 Systematically analyse evidence-based practice and research in the assessment, planning and implementation of safe and effective clinical practice. LO 4 Critically evaluate professionalism, accountability and responsibility and how this impacts upon the patient experience and inter professional working. LO 5 Synthesise knowledge and understanding to ensure competence is achieved
during the clinical practice experience. LO6 Synthesise knowledge and understanding to ensure a successful outcome in drug calculations and medicines management. LO7 Critically evaluate the need for PDP, critical reflection, life long learning and clinical supervision. Contemporary Professional Nursing Practice. Formative Assessment: Assessment for learning and does not contribute to the Module Grade. Learning Needs Analysis: A 500 word referenced account detailing key learning needs to be discussed with your Personal Tutor. This will form the first stage of your Professional Development Plan (PDP). Summative Assessment: Component 1: 3000 Word Essay (60% of Final Grade for the Module) What are the key challenges for you as a practitioner during these times of dynamic change in Health and Social Care? You will identify challenges and critically reflect on how key elements that you have studied will support you addressing these challenges and changes in practice settings. Compon ent 2: 1.5 hours unseen examination Part A – Drug calculations (100% must be achieved) and Part B – Medicines Management – Pass mark of 40% must be achieved (40% of Final Grade for the Module). Advancing Professional Practice. This module involves undertaking a substantial piece of work that requires the student to demonstrate the ability to work autonomously in both researching and presenting a chosen topic and to sustain these skills over an extended period of activity Emphasis is placed on the need to develop self-directed learning skills, clinical reasoning/problem solving skills as a foundation for professional development and the maintenance of competency, allowing the student to respond appropriately and effectively in changing situations of care 7,000-10,00 word Dissertation. Personal and Professional Planning. PDP is a cyclical process which enables individuals to reflect upon their own learning, performance and achievement It helps plan personal, educational and career development Encourage students to reflect upon and evaluate their own learning experiences and plan for their own development You should take sole responsibility for and drive your individual PDP, however please discuss with your personal tutor and supervisor THINK about where you are now PLAN where you want to get to and what you might need DO put your action plan into practice REFLECT on your learning and achievement.