Essay on Health & Society
March 16, 2018Business Skills for E-Commerce
March 16, 2018Research In The Social Science
(4 journals in total) (500 words each (total 2,000 words))
Four x 500 words Scholarly Journal entries as per Assessment Instructions
A Scholarly Learning Journal is based on critical reflection; it is not a personal diary and not a list (or log) of what you have done. It is important to concentrate on reflection on content, evidence, learning and application.
This type of Learning Journal is reflective because it enables you to, among other things:
- To raise your self-awareness about your learning and what you are learning.
- To translate experiences and activities into learning.
- To demonstrate intellectual, scholarship and critical thinking skills.
The Learning Journal therefore will require you to critically reflect on how learning has led to changes in understanding or raised questions about social research, methods and their applications. You MUST not include details that you would ordinarily keep private about your personal life.
The Learning Journal is scholarly because it is based on theories, approaches, methods, concepts and readings within this unit. It is not a journal of unsupported opinions. Your reflections should be based on what you have learned and evidence provided in the form of references.
Due dates are:
- Journal submission 1: Overview of Social Research (Due Monday 19 March 2018)
- Journal submission 2: Epistemology and Ontology (Due Monday 9 April 2018)
- Journal submission 3: Theory Methodology and research design (Due Monday 23 April 2018)
- Journal submission 4: The specifics of Qualitative/ Quantitative/Mixed Method Approach to research (Due Monday 21 May 2018)
For each journal entry you are required to reflect on your learning for that topic incorporating your understanding of related readings to that journal – the lecturer will also recommend readings in class to be included in each of the Journal critical reflection entries and will make them available in vUWS.
Referencing: A Scholarly Learning Journal is a considered account of learning and should be written in a scholarly style (that is, not notes or dot points). You should pay the same attention to style, grammar and spelling as you would for any written assignment.
A minimum number of 2 references is required for each journal submission. You should reference your sources appropriately. References listed in a Journal entry and verbatim citation in-text are not included in the word count. Evidence of reading – not only the introductory textbook chapters from Bryman and others, but also some of the more challenging readings posted on vUWS (under workshop Material) is an important criteria.
Use of “I” It would be difficult to complete a Learning Journal without using the personal pronoun, “I”; it can therefore be used as appropriate.