March 10, 2023Resort Management
March 16, 2023Assessment Type:
Research Project & Presentation – group presentation and & individual report.
1,500 words individual report
Purpose: This assessment allows students to plan, research and analyse a specific topic related to an ethical challenge and draw conclusions as to the implications to various stakeholder groups. Also to communicate the findings in a professional manner both as a group presentation and an individual report. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d
Submission: Individual report to be uploaded to Turnitin and Moodle.
Political Impacts , Social Impacts , & Economical Impacts of Blood Diamond.
Research Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text and a Requirements: minimum of
twelve (12) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – check with your tutor if unsure of the
validity of sources.
Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysis with increased number of reference sources
comparable to the grade they are seeking.
Individual Report: 1,500 + 10% word report format – Word .doc or .docx
Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations, reference list (Harvard – Anglia style)
The individual report is to detail the INDIVIDUAL contribution that you have made to the research involved in your
group project. It will include references that you have identified, their contribution to an understanding of the project as a whole or to a particular question to be answered
Marking Guides:
Individual Report: Analysis 30%
Theory support 30%
Recommendations/conclusions 30%
Presentation 10%