Reflection On Chapter 7
March 4, 2022
March 4, 20221. Licensing – The Asir mountains in the Montana Woodland are located in Saudi Arabia in the Southwestern part of the country, running parallel to the Red sea. It generally surpasses the Yemeni border and if a research study was to be conducted on the montane woodland vegetation, it would be important to obtain licensing options from the civil service of the country before accessing any of these vegetations. Fact Because the mountains are located at the border, there are regulations that are imposed on anybody travelling around them or taking pictures or any kind of investigative study on them, making it imperative to obtain licensing before visiting the place.
Planning for preparation for this research is important. Planning will involve targeting the dates and
collection locations, obtaining collection permits, that is from the appropriate agencies and establishing official contact with them. Obtaining the permit is a timed procedure and it can take several months to obtain it. Licensing will require apt details of what kind of plants you will be picking and the distribution of specimens to various herbaria researchers. It encompasses the ethical issues surrounding research and collection, and a collector should ensure that the collecting activity doe not, in any way pose a significant threat to the destruction of the habitats of different endangered species, living organisms in the woodland. Ethical herbaria only accept the legally collected specimen and so failure to uphold the provided licensing guidelines will make the research impossible. The agencies put to control movements in and out of the forest provide the guidelines to be followed while collecting specimens and also collectors are made aware of the implicit dangers.
2. Location – This asir mountain is located in Saudi Arabia and the area of research is mainly along the Yemeni border. The type of vegetation in this mountain consists of various species. On the west of the mountain, which faces the escarpment, the top is always subjected to cloud and fog which form due to condensation and they also experience seasonal rainfall. The mountain altitude of about 3100 m consists of three or more layers of vegetation. The first layer, which is at the topmost consists of Juniperus Procera, Nuxia congesta, Maesa Lanceolata, Tecla nobles and Tarconanthus camphorates. The second layer from the top consists of majorly tall shrubs and small trees such as Olea europaea, Buddleja polystachya, Dodonaea Angustifolia, Debregaesia Saenab, Ehretia obstifolia and Canthium spp among others. The third and fourth layers are formed by dwarf shrubs and herbs. Vegetation density, that is the distribution of the vegetation in the mountain varies from very dense in the narrow west facing the gullies to the open and sparsely located vegetation on the exposed slopes. The Juniperus trees’ density decreases as one moves eastwards of the escarpments. Vegetation is sparse on the eastern slopes of the mountains and it is dominated by the acacia trees and Euphorbia together with other Xerophytes. It is likely to find an endangered species of plants in this vegetation because it is a natural forest complexion and not all the vegetation has been captured in the researcher’s documents.
5. Mounting
Mounting is described as the process of affixing the dried pressed plant and the label of it to a heavy sheet of paper. It is done this way such that it offers physical support to the specimen to be handled and stored with minimum damage. Maximum observation and diagnosis of the plant specimen should be done and the specimen is l; aid out on paper to allow this reproductive exercise.
While mounting the plants should be placed in a life-like arrangement, which implies that the roots and stem face towards the bottom and the flowers and leaves will always face towards the top of the sheet. A space on the sheet should be left for sp