Research Project & Presentation
March 10, 2023
IBU5IBE Group Project Guidelines
March 16, 2023Late submissions
06-11 June 2016
The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the College for submissions of assignments in accordance with the BTEC level 4 – 7 submission guidelines and College policy on submissions. They should also refer to Merit and Distinction criteria that require evidence of meeting agreed timelines and ability to plan and organise time effectively without which the learner may not expect to receive a higher grade.
In class feedback will be available from draft submissions on a task by task basis as a formative assessment as well as summative feedback in the form of initial submission.
Final feedback will be available within 2 weeks of the assignment submission date.
General Guidelines
- The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
- Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.
- Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use correct grammar.
- Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.
Assignment Context and the Scenario
This assignment consists of three tasks aimed at helping the learner understand the nature and structure of the resort operations as well as understanding the importance of quality systems and their impacts along with issues of managing incidents in resorts
For this assignment, consider yourself as a trained travel and tourism executive with several years of experience working as a resort-tour operator coordinator. You have been assigned to prepare and present a written report to the company management of your chosen organisation which is engaged in the packaging and selling of holidays to the tropical islands such as Jamaica and Sri Lanka etc. The management is very much interested in evaluating the current quality systems in the resorts and the management practices related to incidents.
Although the tasks in this assignment are all based on the scenario provided above you need to support your discussion with relevant theories and concepts.
Choose a medium to large travel and tourism organisation with tour operations in the UK. .
Research the resort management practices in the Caribbean or Indian Ocean resorts and provide a one-page summary of your chosen organisation as an introduction.
Avoid using cut and paste materials when writing and completing assignment.
Recommended word limit is 3000, excluding the introduction and appendices, if any.
Assignment Tasks
LO 1: Task 1
A. Using a couples of resorts you have chosen to focus from your company portfolio, investigate and analyse the various functions of resort operations, including the coordination and handling of various tour operators and customer service function as well as managing the legal and health and safety issues. P 1.1
B. Analyse how the resort managements structure and organise the various types of tour operators and their guest-related and activities, including specialist programmes such as diving and seasonally varied events such as winter sports. P 1.2
- M 1: Explore the complex problems related the various functions of resort operations using effective approach to study and research a selected resort (Task 1 A)
- D 1.Evaluate the current management structure of your selected resort based on the defined criteria such as functions or activities of the chosen resort (Task 1B)
LO 2: Task 2
A. Examine the importance of an effective quality system in resort operations and discuss how the chosen resorts apply and monitor quality procedures in managing conflicts and the legal issues. P 2.1
B. Analyse how implementing an effective quality system by your organisation (tour operator) has produced results in positive impacts on the operation of the resort (P2.1).
- M 2: Synthesise and process complex information and data related to managing conflicts and legal issues in the management of a chosen resort.
- M 3: Appropriate structure and approach is used to implement quality or conflict management by the chosen tour operator with the management of a selected resort..
- D 2: Substantial activities are planned, managed and organised to present to the class to demonstrate how quality system in a resort is applied (in-class presentation).
LO 3: Task 3
A. Analyse a range of incidents that could affect the health and safety of customers and staffs in a resort environment as well as in transit and evaluate the procedures to be implemented by a tour operator to deal with the situation. P 3.1 and P 3.2
B. Discuss how the procedures to be implemented in dealing with incidents comply with relevant UK/European laws and the guidelines of trade association P 3.3
- D 3: Evaluate and discuss how the resort management solves complex problems using your chosen resort as an example.