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June 18, 2020Effect of COVID-19 on Education
June 23, 2020Introduction:
The mandatory requirement of a clear depiction of roles and responsibilities is necessary for every profession that establishes specific boundaries for accomplishing job responsibilities. The identification of roles and responsibilities is perceived as an imperative necessity in order to leverage the contextual environment for fulfilling organization specific or personal objectives. The roles of an individual in a specific environment are associated with the definition reflecting on actions and activities designed for a person or a group. Responsibilities that can be identified with respect to the same are perceived as the obligations for accomplishing specific tasks (Allen & Penuel, 2015).
Clarification of roles and responsibilities is assumed as a critical implication for professional development alongside developing competences in order to address the specified roles and responsibilities. The following essay is directed towards identifying the roles and responsibilities that have to be implemented in the case of a hair styling tutor that could help in ascertaining feasible approaches to identify the needs of learning, planning for learning, provision and assessment of learning measures (Bate et al., 2014). The primary contexts that are associated with the roles and responsibilities of teachers also include references towards quality assurance and evaluation as well as guidance for ascertaining health and safety in the profession of a hair styling tutor. The essay would also focus on the opportunities that can be derived by teachers from the contemporary insights into the marketing of the business as well as establishing a viable business and employability prospects from the recognition of roles and responsibilities.
Professional standards:
The explicit requirement of indications towards lifelong opportunities for learning could be identified as major insights into the realization of the roles and responsibilities of a teacher. As per (2014), the standards are responsible for fabricating the basis for the learning outcomes intended by courses for students in lifelong learning courses (Clarke, Triggs & Nielsen, 2014).
Hairstyling is also considered as a lifelong learning venture that is reflective of profound requirements of addressing upcoming trends and ventures. Continuous learning and the subsequent changes in approaches for learning could be presented as major characteristics required from tutors in this sector that should be aligned with professional values and practices, learning and teaching, learning assessment, planning implications for learning, specialist learning and teaching, access and growth (Cropley & Dave, 2014). It is imperative to observe that the outcomes of teaching are explicitly associated with rewards alongside an assortment of roles and responsibilities. The role of a teacher in such scenarios is directed towards the creation of a flexible learning environment that can facilitate a precise and functional understanding of the significant aspects of hairstyling courses. According to Herlihy & Corey (2014), the development of such an environment can be realized effectively only through a productive interpretation of the activities such as monitoring of the understanding, motivation, recording and documentation of information and provision of feedback (Herlihy & Corey, 2014).
One of the foremost responsibilities of a teacher in lifelong learning courses is vested in the identification of needs of students that could be helpful in the provision of student support and assistance in the initial stages such as the application of the students for specific courses in hair styling. The information regarding the course of hairstyling should have to be provided to students with a certain extent of clarity, impartiality and unambiguous nature in order to help the students in making sure that their needs and perception regarding the course is similar to that provided by the course. The identification of student needs by the teacher allows flexible opportunities for determining lesson plans according to the requirements of the students that can improve the teaching experience for the tutor as well as the wards (Lunenberg, Dengerink & Korthagen, 2014).
The particular illustration of the roles and responsibilities of hairstyling tutor in the case of need identification requirements could be helpful for drawing major insights into feasible approaches needed to accomplish tutoring objectives. It is also necessary for the tutors to assume a personal and amiable attitude towards the interview that can help in limiting the apprehensions of students to communicate their specific needs which are observed in case of students that have complex learning needs. The Roles as a hair styling tutor in order to identify the needs for addressing the objectives of a tutor include references to conducting interviews and assessment of students before administering lessons.
The tutor should also emphasize on recognition of particular learning needs of individuals alongside obtaining inferences into the potential challenges that can emerge during the teaching program which would contribute to the framing of measures that could help in overcoming the pitfalls. In order to identify the requirements of identifying needs of students as a hair styling tutor, the responsibilities could be clearly identified in the provision of appropriate information and suggestions for students alongside ensuring active involvement in participation, interview of students and advertisement (Oplatka & Gurion, 2017). The responsibility of a tutor in case of identification of student needs can also be related to the implications of feedback acquired from students in order to identify the extent to which students have been able to understand the advice, information and guidance facilitated to them.
It is also imperative for tutors in hair styling and other lifelong learning ventures to understand the distinct styles of learning of the students and the significance of the variations. This would enable the tutor to frame distinct teaching approaches that can be based on sight, listening, reading and action which could facilitate distinct benefits to students in terms of teaching and learning experience alongside the variations in a particular amount of time implemented for individual students.
Tutors should implement an appropriate learning styles session in order to test the individual learning preferences of the students. One of the prominent setbacks that can be identified in the context of the distinct learning styles of varying students could be associated with the limitations for the integration of different learning styles in the teaching approach. Therefore, a hair styling tutor has to understand the significance of individual learning styles in order to help students in ascertaining all functional aspects related to the profession of hairstyling as well as helping tutors in obtaining opportunities for continuous learning.
The four distinct learning styles that have to be addressed in the responsibilities of a teacher include visual learning style, aural learning style, reading/writing style and kinaesthetic learning styles. As per Runhaar, Konermann & Sanders (2013), Visual learning style is associated with the emphasis of the learning individual on noticing of details, preferences for observation rather than action or conversation, memorizing through observation of pictures, difficulties in verbal instructions and inclination towards learning through watching audio-visual content (Runhaar, Konermann & Sanders, 2013).
Aural learning style is characterized by individuals that have a specific liking for conversation and listening to others, inquisitive nature, setbacks reflected in understanding written instructions and students with aural learning style could be easily distracted. Therefore students with aural learning styles are associated with prominent difficulties with learning in noisy environments. The individuals with learning styles vested in emphasis on reading and writing can also be included in the scope of the roles and responsibilities of tutors. Reading and writing learning styles are considered to be effective in case of disciplines with academic concerns albeit with limited effectiveness in practical or vocational disciplines.
The feasibility of students with reading and writing learning styles in the domain of hairstyling could be affected since the competences of such students are directed towards an emphasis on research and skills in spelling, reading, rephrasing content written by other people, frequent use of the dictionary and maintaining lists as well as notes. Kinaesthetic learning style could be flexibly applied in the case of a vocational discipline such as hair styling since individuals with kinaesthetic learning style are characterized by tactile response towards others. Furthermore, students with this learning style are more likely to engage highly in practical activities alongside preferences for discussions and interactive learning. Therefore, the generic classifications of learning styles that can be recognized in the case of students could help a tutor to understand the distinct needs of students thereby classifying different approaches required to address the learning objectives for individual categories (Whitton et al., 2016).
Learning theories:
The responsibility of teachers is also vested in understanding the theories of learning in order to accomplish their teaching objectives effectively. The specific theories of learning could be leveraged by teachers to recognize the effectiveness of the different teaching approaches for students. While it is observed that teachers adhere to a particular learning theory while realising their duties, there is no particular restraint on preferences for one theory over the other and can be decided according to the requirements of the tutor in specific scenarios.
One of the prominent learning theories that have been identified in research study literature refers to the experiential theory proposed by Kolb. Lunenberg, Dengerink & Korthagen (2014) said that the experiential learning theory comprises of references to a learning cycle that comprises of four significant stages that imply the underlying processes for understanding personal experiences thereby leading to behavioural modifications (Lunenberg, Dengerink & Korthagen, 2014).
The rationale for the experiential theory is based on the assumption that higher reflection of a student with respect to a particular task could be responsible for the provision of higher opportunities for modifications and refining of efforts. As a hair styling tutor, it is necessary for empowering students to engage in practical activities that would form the basis for the experiential learning cycle. The cycle comprises of four basic stages such as concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Concrete experience is related to the experience of a particular task that is related to the execution of assigned tasks that is often perceived as the ‘doing’ stage in the majority of research study literature.
The concrete experience stage could also be helpful for tutors to reflect on their competences during the teaching classes alongside practical inferences from the individual teaching tasks. Observation and reflection could be assumed as the next stage in the experiential learning cycle that is associated with the evaluation of the outcomes from the concrete experience of the task. The observation of an individual is highly influenced by their personal values, beliefs and attitudes thereby implying the generalization of this stage as ‘thinking’.
The observation stage could enable the tutor to obtain significant insights into the favourable elements of learning for concerned students alongside a prominent emphasis on the learning styles of different students that can be used for reforming the design of teaching approaches. The next stage associated with the experiential learning theory is identified in the form of conceptualization of abstract plan in order to address the comprehensive interpretation of events that are executed and deriving suitable inferences regarding the same. The conceptualization stage can be associated comprehensively with the planning stage in order to develop substantial approaches in order to address specific activities and processes within the domain of tutoring (Clarke, Triggs & Nielsen, 2014).
The abstract conceptualization could also be associated with noticeable references towards inducing appropriate reforms in the approaches to address the learning requirements of students as well as integrate the feedback from students and the inferences from observation stage in the learning cycle. The final stage involved in the experiential learning cycle could be identified in the context of active experimentation that is reflective of the repetition of the assigned tasks. The experimentation stage implies references towards integrating the outcomes from the previous stages of the learning cycle for predicting the potential scenarios and the relevant measures that can be implemented for addressing the same.
Some of the other notable learning theories identified in research study literature include behaviourist theory, sensory theory and humanist theory. As per Bate et al, The humanist theory is reflective of potential implications towards the provision of facilitative learning which is based on the assumption that individuals have a general awareness regarding the importance of learning and the reforms in the concept of self (Bate et al., 2014).
The humanist theory suggests that if the students are able to perceive the tutor as a facilitator of learning, the learning outcomes could be accessed with greater efficiency due to flexible prospects for exchange of ideas and promotion of innovative measures needed for addressing the teaching outcomes. The sensory theory is also reflective of potential benefits for the outcomes of learning through stimulation of multiple senses for the purpose of learning. The implications of sensory theory in learning can be associated with the references towards the alignment of teaching measures to the utilization of multiple senses that can be functionally productive in case of tutoring initiatives in hair styling.
Planning for learning:
The scope for identification of needs has to be supported with the productive design of a learning plan that is also accounted as a mandatory obligation for tutors in varying disciplines especially those that imply lifelong learning. The particular roles that have to be assumed by a hair styling tutor in context of learning planning could be identified in the form of objectives for framing lesson plans that describe the individual objectives for each lesson and identifying credible teaching resources needed for every lesson.
The roles of tutors in the planning of learning initiatives could also be associated with their compliance with health and safety policies as well as legislation pertaining to the profession of hair styling tutors. The planning roles of a hair styling tutor would also be inclined towards the illustration of the timing, location and the expanse of each course in individual sessions and presenting it in a discernible format to students (Clarke, Triggs & Nielsen, 2014). A hair styling tutor could be able to accomplish these roles effectively through adherence to specific responsibilities that are required from a teacher.
The responsibilities include references towards the execution of health and safety inspections, distributing information regarding health and safety checks and discussion of individual learning plans proposed by students. The other significant responsibilities of a hair styling tutor could also imply formidable references towards verification of the updates in the lesson plan as well as the concurrent scheme of work required for teaching and comparing the lesson plans with the course material and relevant subject prior to initiation of learning processes.
The formation of a lesson plan could very easily be accounted as a crucial element in the responsibilities of a teacher since it is helpful for the tutor to obtain an objective understanding of the activities to be executed in a teaching process. Furthermore, the lesson plan could be leveraged as a feasible resource for anticipating the road ahead and plan a structured route that would help them in understanding the lesson that they are supposed to cover in the course alongside measuring personal competences with respect to progression in the course (Lunenberg, Dengerink & Korthagen, 2014).
The lesson plan is characterized by precisely illustrated data regarding equipment resources, aims, location, lesson objectives, timing, evaluation methods and schema alongside the activities that are encompassed in the learning cycle. The fabrication of a lesson plan has been neglected largely on the grounds of higher time investments that can be contradicted on the basis of flexibility that can be acquired through internalization of data required for designing the lesson plan. The benefits of internalization enable tutors to utilize a single lesson plan for similar subjects only with limited variations in terms of timing and location of the teaching processes.
The essay was reflective of mandatory roles and responsibilities of teachers and their implications with respect to the case of a tutor in hair styling. The nature of hairstyling as a lifelong learning course can be perceived from the essay that formed the basis for illustration of distinct roles and responsibilities related profoundly to the identification of learning needs, planning for learning and creation of a lesson plan.
The essay implied references to the distinct learning styles as inferences from the identification of learning needs and significance of learning theories in the identification of planning objectives. Finally, the essay emphasized the mandatory obligation of a hair styling tutor to frame a lesson plan that would act as a credible source of communication between tutor and students.
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