CSSS1201 – Personal Statement
March 28, 2022The Global Business Environment – Evolution and Dynamics
March 28, 2022Politics and International Relations
Essay Questions
Answer ONE of the following questions (2000 words)
- Using examples, assess the effectiveness of Comparative Methodology.
- How can comparisons be made of the quality of democracy? Use two countries as examples.
- What is multi-level governance, and does it exemplify or limit liberal democracy?
- Is capitalism responsible for the underdevelopment of Africa?
- Discuss how effective voting systems are reflecting the ‘will of the people’ in national general elections. Use at least TWO cases in your answer.
- Do we need political parties in a democratic state?
Link to Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the learning outcomes of this module:
(i) demonstrate a detailed and critical understanding of different political systems and regimes around the world;
(ii) discuss and evaluate cross-national policies and policy making
(iii) show an understanding in a detailed and critical fashion of comparative methodology and its limits;
(iv) engage with a complex range of conceptual and theoretical structures used in the analysis of national, supranational, and international politics;
(v) communicate complex ideas and concepts in a clear and articulate fashion, both in speech and in writing
The ability to summarise, analyse and critically engage with complex arguments and ideas, and to relate these to contemporary political problems and issues are key employability skills that are developed in this particular piece of assessment.
Further Guidance:
Your answer must answer the question posed. The first step is to deconstruct the question. Make sure you have identified the subject, focus and command words correctly.
Plan your essay well. I am happy to read a plan of your essay and provide feedback.
The essay must be structured well with a clear introduction and conclusion, new paragraphs for each idea or argument and correct referencing. Presentation is very important. You need to pay careful attention to grammar and spelling. A good argument can be lost if the reader is put off by poor writing.
You must demonstrate that you understand the topic clearly, that you have done enough research into the question to answer it well and you must present evidence effectively in order to back up your arguments. Major themes relevant to the question should be identified in the essay and critical evaluation and judgement should be exercised.
I expect you to use a range of sources, including books and journal articles. Newspapers are not very useful at this level, except where referencing incidents or facts. Do not use commentary from journalists as a substitute for academic research and analysis.
Use internet sources with caution. If in doubt about the quality or appropriateness of a source, please discuss it with me.
By now you should understand what is considered to be plagiarism. The work you submit must be your own original work, any ideas, words or images you include from other sources must be referenced as such. Read the university guidelines on plagiarism and talk to me and your fellow students if you need further assistance.