NRSG372: Chronic Illness and Disability
May 17, 20233ED002 Preparing for Undergraduate Study Health Professions Foundation Year
May 17, 2023- Students are required to produce a portfolio [2500 words +-10%] (this
represents 100% of the overall grade). - The assessment is to be submitted on Turnitin
- The portfolio contains three parts submitted as one, which are broken down in detail below.
The Assessment Journal Resources to be used for this assessment can be found in the Assessment Details section on Weblearn.
You must use one of either Improving public health evaluation or The daily mile as a public health intervention for both the group presentation and your individual critique.
You must then select one of the remaining resources for your summary.
Summative Assessment: Guidance
You will demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes through the submission of an individual portfolio comprising the following three elements:
1. Detailed summary of the content of one published academic paper (1000 words)
The paper should be chosen from the sources provided and should be the same paper as that used for the formative group presentation. You should identify key principles and concepts set out in the source.
Further details of the requirements for this element can be found in the Learning Materials for Week 10. Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation for details of the structure and content and the Additional Materials for suggestions as to how to undertake this assessment. You might also want to look at the Learning Materials for Week 4 to review the process of reading effectively and Week 5 for further information on summarising.
2. Reflection on small-group presentation (500 words)
The second part is a reflection on the small group presentation where your group utilised one selected framework and provided a critique of an academic paper. You should reflect on the process and outcomes of the critique as presented with your group and how the feedback received influenced your individual critique.
3. Detailed written critique of one academic paper (1000 words)
Individually, critique the academic source selected for your group presentation using an appropriate format or tool.
Resources to help you undertake the written critique and presentation can be found in the Additional Resources folder for Week 10.
Please note you are strongly urged to use one of the formats or tools provided as the basis for the group presentation and critique. Please indicate clearly which format or tool you are using. There are other formats or tools that you might use and if you do decide to use an alternative approach, please indicate the source for this.
Please ensure you use a format or tool for the critique that is appropriate, e.g. if you identify your text to be critiqued as qualitative research you must use an approach designed to critique this methodology.