Courses: MSc Accounting and Finance Learning outcomes and pass attainment level specific to this assignment: On completion of the course of study, students should be able
Courses: MSc Accounting and Finance Learning outcomes and pass attainment level specific to this assignment: On completion of the course of study, students should be able
Title: Assignment 2 – Reflective Case Study Marks: 35 (which
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Assessment Value: 20% Instructions: 1. This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
1. Introduction 2. Project Objective 3. Project Scope 4. Literature Review (Students’ needs to summarize Assignment 1 literature review (2-3 pages) and do justification from Assignment
ProposaDue date: Week 5 (Friday, midnight, Darwin Time) Value: 25% Length: Maximum 2000 words Task: Write a business proposal for any significant organisational issue. It could
Word count Task 1 – 1500 words Task 2 -1300 words Assessment Title Assessment 1 Essay Assessment 2 Case Study The learning outcomes and assessment criteria
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Guidelines for Literature Critiques Students are required to read and understand assigned article (attachment). Students must submit a critique of assigned academic article. Please
Group Assignment (Written Essay): 1. Organize yourselves into groups. Each group is to have Four or Five members depending upon the class size. 2. Groups need
Background Information Communication is an integral part of business conduct as it allows all stakeholders to understand what the business is about. Internally, people need to
Assignment title Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information The purpose of the assignment is to check learner’s 1. Understanding of how to assess information and knowledge needs
Objectives • Understand the core competences of a Business Analyst • Understand the skills that should be developed • Identify the need for external and internal
Task This assessment should be written using a report style. Over recent years, a number of key challenges have become very significant to Operations Managers. Six