Psychology and Global Issues of the 21st Century
December 22, 2021
CO5119 Business Law
December 22, 2021This assignment is divided into two parts. Part 1 assesses your knowledge and application of research and theory relating to career transitions in sport. Part 2 continues the research methods theme established in the previous TMAs and asks you to consider written narrative as a research instrument in career transitions research, and to compare it with other research instruments.
Task For this part of the TMA you are required to read the journal article entitled ‘A lifespan perspective on transitions during a top sports career: a case of an elite female fencer’ which you were introduced to in Unit 23, and link it to some of the concepts, models and themes described in Study Topic 5 by answering the essay question below.
Drawing on relevant concepts, research and models discussed in Study Topic 5, write a 2000-word essay critically evaluating Francine’s experiences of transition during her athletic career. You should refer to the guidance notes for more detail on what your essay should cover.
Part 2 In Study Topic 5 (Unit 24, Activity 24.5) you were introduced to written narrative as a research instrument in career transitions research. In the previous TMAs you have evaluated the use of four other research instruments used in sport and exercise psychology research: individual interviews, focus group interviews, questionnaires and observation. For this part of the TMA you should write 1000 words comparing and contrasting written narrative with focus group interviews and observation.