The exhibition on true to nature
January 18, 2022Epistemological, Ontological, and Axiological Philosophical Assumptions
Epistemology, Ontology, and axiology set the basics on how people, comprehend the globe they reside in, the decision they make concerning matters linking to certainty, and the issues they regard as to be of worth to them independently, and to all humanity. Ontology, which means the study of existence, generates the outline for human beings to be connected to societies; create the logic of the certainty in which we exist. According to Maarouf, (2019), the supremacy of ontology is based on its capability to grant humans the keys to unchain the way realism is understood. However, Epistemology referring to the study of knowledge and information gets in our rationalist culture additional prominence because clarifies why individuals mutually agree that particular stuff is true, and the other is not. Science, and the elucidation of logical outcomes, change the way humanity behaves in each and every stage of life (Rafiqa, 2020). Lastly, Axiology, also defined as the study of worth or of kindness, is absolutely the idealistic twist out of these three that has gained the slightest interest, albeit it is primarily associated with our deeds in our everyday lives. The significance of something can be seen as possessing inherent properties, to encompass extrinsic features, or precious in its own right, important for the sake of something else, which consecutively can have central features.
Qualitative Design and Research Methodology
A good instance qualitative approach to exploration is Grounded theory. The theory entails the use of assorted iterative methodologies to execute logical examination of social phenomena. The grounded theory method is overtly applicable in developing fresh theories with suggestions for interactive communal investigation. Bazrafkan et al., (2019) reveal that the theory is appropriate for seeking superior acquaintance regarding a precise public incident. Also, the grounded theory tactic uses abductive in place of inductive analysis. Conversely, an abductive way of thinking is a concession of both deductive and inductive customs of reasoning. abductive and deductive philosophies search for the preeminent clarification concerning the theme of research. This attribute makes the grounded theory of study fitting for examining obscure collective happenings in the world (pp. 3-10). Distinct from the other conjectural concepts, grounded theory explore utilizes data to build up theories. According to this context, information is examined with the aim of creating a theory. The investigator is not anticipated to advance exceptional information with a hypothesis. Concerning the method of data collection, Chun et al., (2019) elaborate on diverse typical stages implicated in the progression of carrying out a grounded theory study. The grounded theory method begins with assembling data. Direct observations, individual consultation, and journal information comprise the dissimilar methods that researchers use to assemble grounded information. The technique used to g amass information depends on its capability to present supple data since the grounded study is a dynamic progression.
How the Study will be Conducted
The qualitative and design methodology will be conducted through various data collection and analysis techniques such as sampling, observation, conducting interviews and also issuing questionnaires. Basically, grounded theory research is characterized by speculative sampling, although this requires a little information to be assembled and examined. Sampling should therefore commence purposively, as in any qualitative study.
Bazrafkan, L., Yousefy, A., Amini, M., & Yamani, N. (2019). The journey of thesis supervisors from novice to expert: a grounded theory study. BMC medical education, 19(1), 1-12.
Chun Tie, Y., Birks, M., & Francis, K. (2019). Grounded theory research: A design framework for novice researchers. SAGE open medicine, 7, 2050312118822927.
Maarouf, H. (2019). Pragmatism as a supportive paradigm for the mixed research approach: Conceptualizing the ontological, epistemological, and axiological stances of pragmatism. International Business Research, 12(9), 1-12.
Rafiqa, S. (2020, May). Ideology in the Indonesian President’s speech: Study in the dimension of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. In Emerging Perspectives and Trends in Innovative Technology for Quality Education 4.0: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy (ICIEP 2019), October 5, 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia (p. 1). Routledge.