Emailing Assessment Task
December 22, 2022
MNG91002 – Entrepreneurship and Marketing Assignment
December 23, 2022• Aim
The aim of this unit is to enable the learner to understand the processes involved in the recruitment, management and development of people in the health and social care workplace.
• Unit abstract
In this unit learners will investigate the processes involved in the management of individuals in the health and social care workplace. This not only includes the recruitment of the most appropriate personnel but importantly the support of employees in carrying out their work effectively in teams and developing their knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the delivery of a quality service. Learners will contextualise these elements within the relevant legal and policy frameworks. In addition, learners will explore the influence of management style and
organisational factors on the effectiveness of teams.
This unit is particularly appropriate for learners who have experience of leadership and management of work groups, including involvement in the recruitment of staff.
• Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
1 Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and social care
2 Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in health and social care
3 Understand systems for monitoring and promoting the development of individuals working in health and social care
4 Understand approaches for managing people working in health and social care.
Unit content
1 Understand processes for recruiting individuals to work in health and social care
Factors for planning recruitment: succession planning; change (organisational, policy, use of services, work roles, local circumstances); defining human resource requirements eg full-time, part-time; job description and person specification eg qualifications, experience, personal attributes; advertising; vacancies; career progression opportunities; training and development needs
Legislative and policy frameworks: relevant and current legislation, codes of practice and policies (relating to worker rights, health and safety, diversity, anti-discriminatory practice, care standards, protection of vulnerable people) relevant and current legislation, codes of practice and policies (relating to worker rights, health and safety, diversity, anti-discriminatory practice, care standards, protection of vulnerable people)
Selection of best individuals: shortlisting applicants, models of selection eg interview, audition, psychometric assessment, assessed task; involvement of stakeholders eg members of team, service users, external stakeholders
2 Understand strategies for building effective teams for working in health and social care
Theories on behaviour in groups: formation of groups; group dynamics eg theories of Belbin, Tuckman, Woodcock, Gross, McClelland
Types of team: formal, informal; work groups, multi-disciplinary teams, inter-agency, project groups
Influences on effective teamworking: team purpose, empowerment of team, leadership, individual priorities/roles, team morale
3 Understand systems for monitoring and promoting the development of individuals working in health and social care
Performance of individuals: monitoring systems eg observation, appraisal, periodic review, achievement of successful outcomes, use of targets, benchmarks, feedback from others
Training and development: identifying individual needs eg monitoring performance, career development planning, changing personal circumstances
Effectiveness of systems: benefits and limitations for individuals, teams, users of health and social care services, organisational requirements
Strategies for promoting continuing development: achieving competence (against occupational standards); training versus education; partnerships; compliance with external requirements eg care standards, professional registration; dedicated allocation of resources; use of external kitemarks eg Investors in People; implementing a staff development training plan (in-house training, using supervision and appraisal, external courses, action-centred
learning, lifelong learning, coaching and mentoring, assessing competence)
4 Understand approaches for managing people working in health and social care
Theories of leadership: transactional, transformational, emotional intelligence; theories proposed by eg Fiedler, Vroom and Yetton, Mintzberg, Handy, Goleman
Management of working relationships: influence of management style, emotional intelligence, organisational structure; leadership versus management; contingency management (best-fit), role-modelling, effective communication, team building, constructive feedback, shared values; accountability (monitoring and assessing performance, communicating decisions, disciplinary and grievance procedures)
Own development: attributes (confidence, skills competencies, knowledge and understanding); qualifications; career development; ability to work with change