MNG82001 – Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help
December 26, 2022
Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
December 26, 2022This Unit will be assessed by assignment.
You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment.
Introduction and background notes (vocational context)
]As a new graduate in Health and Social Care you must understand the factors for change in health and social care services and the practices for evaluating and facilitating change. To do so you will be able to understand the factors that drive changes in health and social care services; you should also be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services and finally you must understand the principles of change management.
What you must do
Task 1: LO1 Understand the factors that drive change in health and social care services (Recommended limit 750 words)
Denise is the manager of Local Action for the Disabled (LAD) which is an organisation that runs residential care homes and other services for people with learning disabilities.
The local authority has decided to move from residential care to supported living so the LAD care homes will need to be closed and Denise will need to oversee the change from residential care provision to independent and supported community-based living for the residents.
She has been asked by her manager to ensure that the homes are closed and the current residents are moved to appropriate accommodation; to avoid negative publicity about the closure of the homes and identify and redeploy suitable members of staff from the residential care service to support the residents when they move into the new tenancies.
There have been previous attempts to move from the residential home, but they were not successful. Denise knows that different stakeholders such as the residents, their families and the staff have various views. It’s a challenging task; she has to manage the process of change for the service users, the staff and the management board. Some of the staff are really keen on the idea of supported living. But others are concerned about the people they care for being ‘abandoned’. Some of the residents are all for being supported in a more independent lifestyle. Others feel safe within the residential homes. For them, the idea of supported living is scary. When LAD tried this kind of change before, it didn’t work because residents and families were not convinced that it was a good idea.
(Adapted from SCIE Website)
Using the case study above, demonstrate in a brochure that you understand the factors that drive change in Health and Social Care Services.
1. explain the key factors that drive change in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario. [P1.1]
2. assess the challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services. [P1.2, D2 ]
- To achieve D2, substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised when explaining key factors, e.g. Demographic and cultural factors: ageing population, minority ethnic community needs, etc, that drive change in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario.
What you must do
To produce a brochure:
TASK 1 requires students to produce a brochure. Below are steps for designing a brochure on Microsoft Word
1. Open a Word document.
2. On the upper left, click the “File” menu.
3. In the left vertical column, click the “New” tab.
4. Select “Brochures and booklets” from the available templates.
5. Select “Brochures” from the available templates.
6. Choose the kind of brochure you wish to use.
7. Include some pictures where appropriate
Task 2: LO2 Be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services (Recommended limit 1000 words)
It has been twelve months since the residential homes were closed. All the service users are now living in supported accommodation in the community. Denise has been asked to provide a report on the process of moving the residents out into the community and to feedback to the management board on how the new service provision of supporting people in the community is working.
What you must do
1. devise a strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care as applied to the case scenario [P2.1, M1]
2. measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria as applied to the case scenario [P2.2 ]
3. evaluate the overall impact of recent changes in health and social care [P2.3, D1]
4. propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services (include interviews, suggestion boxes, feedback, debate, waiting times, admissions, discharge, referrals etc) [P2.4, M2]
- To achieve M1 effective judgement has been made when measuring recent changes (using measurement tools like PDCA etc) in health and social care as applied to the case scenario.
- To achieve M2 Complex information/data has been synthesised and processed through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when proposing appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services.
- To achieve D1, conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when measuring the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria as applied to the (case scenario).
Task 3: LO3 Understand the principles of change management.
As the LAD was the first service in the region to successfully move residents into the community, Denise has been asked to support other learning disabilities’ services with similar changes. She needs to do a presentation to regional managers to outline what influences the process of change: theories and principles.
What you must do
Only for 3.1 present a fact sheet
1. explain the key principles of change management using either Kotter’s eights steps to successful change or Leavitt’s model of change and apply it to the case scenario. [P3.1, M3]
Further Guidance for the fact sheet for L03 – 3.1
The point of a fact sheet is to get the reader to do something. More information than you need to convince them is a waste of the reader’s time and risks losing their attention.
- One to two page is best
- Make it readable – use at least 12 point font
- Keep the text brief – no one wants to read tons of information in small font
- Keep the most important information in the first paragraph – what the issue is, what action is
needed, and label the main message(s) - Give references for more information – in electronic communications you can offer links
- The fact sheet must be self-contained – do not refer to previous documents or assume that
they remember the information - Use bullets when you can
- Leave lots of white space
- Make it very clear what you want them to do – Bold, text boxes, and graphics add emphasis
- Give them all the tools they need to take the action – do not list “challenging behaviour”
instead explain why they are challenging behaviour
For AC 3.2 – 3.3, Write a report to: (Recommended limit 750 words)
2. explain how changes in health and social care are planned. e.g. consultation, communication, top – down or bottom – up, management style, managing anxiety, staff development needs etc [P3.2]
3. assess how to monitor recent changes in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario. ( e.g. measuring and monitoring e.g. evaluative research surveys, customer/staff satisfaction, measures of efficiency(cost – benefit, referral rates, and case completion, waiting and response times) [P3.3, D3]
- To achieve M3, coherent logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience was used citing either Kotter’s eight steps to successful change or Leavitt’s model of change and applying your answer to either the case scenario or your workplace experience (choose only one ).
- To achieve D3, convergent and lateral thinking when assessing how to monitor recent changes; evaluate research surveys, measures of efficiency, customer satisfaction etc and its impact the nursing home in the case scenario or your own workplace experience