BSBRKG304B Maintain business records
June 29, 20204HR001 Managing Individuals at Work
July 1, 2020Assessment 2 – Management Information You are currently employed by the marketing department for a government department that deals with Small Businesses. With the economy, there are good times and bad times. You have been tasked to help small businesses to be better prepared if the economic conditions change, focusing on the use of information systems. You have been assigned the task of preparing information material to be set up for roadshows around the country. Task 1 – Used Information Systems (P5). Criteria reference
P5 – Identify the information systems used in a specified organization Information is a key component to driving businesses in helping make decisions within all parts of an organisation. You have been tasked to look at the banking sector and determine what are the key features that are in place for a specific bank. Identify and name the information systems used by the bank you selected. [P5] Evidence Format: Task 1 should be completed in report form and word-processed, with appropriate pictures (if any) and citation/references Task 2 – Decision-Making Process (P6 and Distinction 2) Criteria reference P6 – Select information to support a business decision-making process D2 – Justify the information selected to support a business decision-making process. Businesses need to make decisions all the time. Decisions rely on data being understood and processed into something useful to help make these decisions. A team from the government will need three locations outside of Brunei so they can plan a visit to promote Brunei as a travel destination to help small businesses in Brunei. The destinations you select are required to be directly accessible locations (travel within 10 hours, no stopovers) and are reasonably populated cities: Produce some research notes on where you found the data or information that will help in making the decisions. [P6] Justify your selected information and the destinations you chose, include some information you rejected, with reasons too. [D2] Evidence Format: Task 2 should be completed in report form and word-processed, with appropriate pictures (if any) and citation/references. Task 3 – Producing Information (P7 and Merit 3) Criteria reference P7 – Use IT Tools to produce management information M3 – Generate valid, accurate and useful information. Software tools are available to analyze data to support management in making decisions. Spreadsheets and databases are excellent ways to perform the manipulation of data to generate information for management reports. You have been supplied with data from an organisation and your team leader has asked you to perform some data analysis on the data. You are tasked to analyze the data as follows: Provide average sales for each store by year [P7] Provide average sales by month for each store [P7] Provide the average sales by month for each year for all combined stores [P7] Provide the average sales by year for all combined stores [P7] Produce a short report that demonstrates that your information is valid, accurate and useful. This is so that management can understand the validity of your findings. You should do this, by providing formula functions and ensuring that they are accurate. Also, explain how this information can be used by management. [M3] Please find the file “A2 Store Data.xlsx” on Moodle to perform the analysis above. Evidence Format: Task 3 should be completed in report form and word-processed, with appropriate pictures (if any) and citation/references. The report, data table records. Reports should be appropriately titled and well laid out. Generate valid, accurate and useful reports.