Unit 13 – Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area
June 7, 2022MKT 2012 – Public Relations Management and Practice
June 8, 2022Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that
shows you are able to:
Task no. Evidence Understand the roles and responsibilities of a coach, mentor and teacher in relation to working with individual students
1 1.1 Summarise the responsibilities of a coach, mentor and teacher in relation to working with individual students
1.2 Analyse the differences between the coaching, mentoring and teaching roles in relation to working with individual learners
1.3 Review the effectiveness of coaching, mentoring and teaching roles in meeting individual learning needs Understand how to select strategies to meet the needs of individual learners
2 2.1 Justify the selection of strategies to meet the needs of individual learners 2 Understand the multi-agency approach to the development of individual learners
3 3.1 Review the resources required for an effective multi-agency approach 2
3.2 Explain factors that influence the referral process 2
Understand the contribution of one-to-one coaching, mentoring and teaching to the development of individual learners
4 4.1 Review the processes involved in one-toone coaching, mentoring and teaching in relation to emotional, ntellectual and social benefits for students
Be able to evaluate own practice in relation to oneto- one teaching and learning situations
5 5.1 Analyse the effectiveness of own practice in relation to one-to-one teaching and learning situations
5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to one-to-one teaching and learning situations
5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in relation to one-to-one teaching and learning situations Purpose of this assignment The aim of this assignment is to explore the role of mentoring, coaching and tutoring in supporting the individual, analysing the skills required. The learner is expected to reflect on their own skills for undertaking these roles.
You are working within a group of learners who are undertaking a L2 Programme. They have been on the
programme for 2 months. The group consists of 15 learners of mixed ability, diverse backgrounds and ages.
Case Study The following Case Study identifies three specific learners. You are asked to review the Case Study and complete the relevant tasks. Cassie Cassie is 36 years old and a lone parent who has 3 children. She is White British.
You have become concerned about her attendance on the programme which is at 60%. She has submitted course work which demonstrates that she has the academic ability to achieve on the programme.
Through your tutorial sessions you have discovered that she recently lost her mother and has since become
depressed. She is a recovering alcoholic .She is finding life challenging. These factors are impacting on her
ability to achieve on the course. Cassie is Dyslexic and has found this challenging at times when in sessions. This
is her first course since leaving school at the age of 16. She wants to progress on the course.
Aran is 17 years old. He is academically gifted, although he is not attending college regularly. His attendance is at
45% His nationality is Asian. Through the tutorial sessions you have discovered that he has recently joined a gang and is known to be selling drugs. He lives at home with his parents and describes his relationship with them as “toxic” He describes feeling trapped by the family expectations. He is submitting his work on time. Although when he has submitted work it has been at Distinction level. He has recently started drinking alcohol.
Lissa wants to progress onto university. Her focus is on her studies and setting up her own business.
She becomes bored within the sessions and has asked through the tutorial sessions for additional activities and
Task 1 Report AC 1.1/1.2/1.3
Write a Report which:
• Summarises the responsibilities of a coach, mentor and teacher in relation to working with individual
students. LO1 AC.1.1
• Analyses the differences between the coaching, mentoring and teaching roles in relation to working with
individual learners. LO1.AC 1.2
• Review the effectiveness of coaching, mentoring and teaching roles in meeting individual learning needs.
LO1 AC .1.3
Task 2 Report AC 2.1/3.1/3.2/4.1
Using the Case Studies, write a report
• which provides evidence of how you justify the selection of strategies to meet the needs of the individual
learners. You should highlight the needs of a minimum of two learners within your group. AC
• Reflecting upon the Case Studies, review the resources required for an effective multi-agency approach.
What factors do you need to consider when working with learners in relation to provide adequate and
appropriate support? AC. 3.1
• Explaining factors that influence the referral process. AC. 3.2
• which enables you to review the processes involved in one-to-one coaching, mentoring and teaching in
relation to emotional, intellectual and social benefits for students. AC 4.1
Consider the following points: Multi-agency resources, e.g. identification of own barriers or limitations
and need for referral, specific support available for language or literacy, opportunities for
development of numeracy skills, counselling, resources available for special learning needs,
subjectspecific professional or vocational bodies, employment providers.
Task 3 Action Plan and Reflective Report AC 5.1/5.2/5.3
• Devise an Action Plan which enables you to Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation
to one-to-one teaching and learning situations. AC 5.2
• In your Action Plan state how you will plan opportunities to improve own skills in relation to one-to-one
teaching and learning situations. AC 5.3
• Analyse the effectiveness of own practice in relation to one-to-one teaching and learning situations. AC
Suggestive Resources
Coaching and Mentoring for Frontline Practitioners. Centre for Effective Services, Dublin. Morgan, M. and
Rochford S. (2017)
Coaching for Performance by Whitmore John