HI6032 = Leveraging IT for Business Advantage Assignment Help
June 9, 2023Digital and Social Media Marketing
June 9, 2023Guidelines
Task 1: Concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training
- 1.1 Define the concept of professionalism in education and training sector (250 – 300 words approximately)
Areas to cover include- Give a definition of professionalism in education and training sector.
- Explain why professionalism in education and training is important.
- Explain some of the concept of professionalism in education and training sector includes:
- Having professional knowledge and understanding
- Complying to code of practice
- Ethics,
- Demonstrate professional values and attributes,
- Professional skills
- Understanding of Roles and responsibilities
- Concept of leadership
- Professional recognition
Define the concept of dual professionalism in education and training sector
Areas to cover
- Explain the meaning of dual professionalism in education and training sector.
- Give an example of dual professionalism in education and training
- AC1.2 Explain ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism (250 – 300 wordcount)
Areas to cover
- Mention your area of specialism (what do you want to teach?)
- Think about the professional values which influence your practice and explain ways in which these professional values influence your practice as either a teacher or a trainer
Examples of professional values which influence teachers/trainer’s practice
- Positive attitude, trust, and respect
- Commitment
- Dress and act appropriately
- Good time management
- Ensuring fairness
- Cooperation and collaboration with management and staff
- Accountability
- Promoting equality and value diversity
- Meeting organisation policies and procedures
- Complying with rules and regulation
- Engage in continuous professional development
How does the professional values influence your practice? (Choose a minimum of four. Give sufficient explanation on how it influences your practice as a teacher or trainer)
Relate these professional values to your area of specialism.
Task 2: Social, political, and economic factors in education and training sector
- 2.1 Explain ways in which social, political, and economic factors influence education policy (250 – 300 wordcount)
Areas to cover
a) Mention social factors influencing education policy (400 words) Example of social factors include
- Raising standard
- Promoting widening participation
- Engaging under-represented groups
Explain how these social factors influence education policy (Use academic sources)
b) Mention political factors influencing education policy (400 words)
Examples of political factors include
- Economic growth
- Prosperity agenda
- Government legislation
- Analysis of educational policies in terms of ideological supporting
Explain how these political factors influence education policy (Use academic sources) (400 words)
c) Mention economic factors influencing education policy. Examples of economic factors influencing education policy
- Changing workforce demographics
- Encouraging investment
- Reflecting local employment needs
- Partnership and collaboration
Explain how these economic factors influence education policy (Use academic sources)
- 2.2 Analyse the impact of current education policy on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism (300-400 words)
Areas to cover
What is the impact of current education policy on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism?
- First mention your area of specialism
Examples of impact of current education policy are
Creating a curriculum framework
Creating a programme of study
Learning for employment
Promoting wider skills.
Raising school age
Promoting vocational qualification
Pick the ones that relate to your curriculum practice and analyse using academic sources.
Task 3: Stakeholders and external bodies in education and training sector
- 3.1 Explain the role of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training sector. (250-300 words)
Areas to cover
a) Who are stakeholders and external bodies in the education and training sector?
- External customers,
- Suppliers,
- Internal staff,
- Senior management,
- Parents,
- Students,
- Awarding organisation,
- Employers,
- Further or higher education providers,
- Training providers
- Local government
b) Give some examples of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training sector (6)
c) Explain the role of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training sector
Example of role include:
1. Marketing
2. IT support
3. Providing specialist staff
4. Providing financial support
5. Sponsorship and grants.
6. Building expertise
7. Developing progression route
8. Providing work experience.
Explain using academic sources.
- 3.2 Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies impact on organisation in education and training sector. (250 – 300 words)
Think about: What is the impact of accountability to stakeholders and external bodies on organisation day-to-day practice?
Examples of impact of accountability are:
1. Meeting targets
2. Ensuring qualified and experienced staff
3. Building reputation
4. Building links with industry and work- based learning
5. Clarity of reporting
Explain and use academic sources
- 3.3 Explain the importance of working in partnership with stakeholders and employers (250-300 words)
Importance or working include:
1. Designing a collaborative programme
2. Sharing of resources and resource development
3. Providing vocational courses
4. Designing quality assurance standards
5. Staff development
Explain and use academic sources
- 3.4 Analyse the impact of accountability to stakeholders and employers on curriculum design, delivery, and assessment in own area of specialism (300 – 400 words)
Areas to cover
Mention your area of specialism
Example of impact of accountability on curriculum design, delivery and
assessment include.
1. Meeting awarding organisation standard
2. Ensuring tailor-made programmes
3. Use of new and emerging technology
4. Ensuring flexible and blended learning
5. Designing learning and assessment reflecting diversity
6. Providing alternative approaches to assessment
Use academic sources and include citation to analyse, relate the analysis to your area of specialism.
Task 4: Policies, code of guidelines of an organisation
4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, guidelines, and code of practice of an organisation (school/ training organisation) (250- 300 words)
Areas to cover
1. What are the key policies of an organisation (school/ training sector)?
2. What are the guidelines of organisation?
3. What is the code of practice of an organisation?
Explain all these using academic sources and citation.
4.2 Analyse the impact of organisational requirement and expectation on curriculum practice in own area of specialism. (300- 400 words)
Areas to cover
What is your organisation requirement? How does it impact your curriculum practice in own area of specialism?
What is your organisation expectation? How does it impact you as a teacher/ trainer?
Analyse using academic sources. This section will also include need to reflect on own practice.
Do not mention the name of the organisation.
Task 5: Quality assurance and quality improvement in education and training sector
5.1 Analyse the quality assurance and quality improvement arrangement of own organisation (300 – 400 words)
What is your organisation (school/ training centre) quality assurance and quality improvement arrangement or plan? Analyse these plans
Define quality assurance
What is the role of quality assurance within educational institution? Strength/limits
Define quality improvement
What is the role of quality improvement within educational institution?
What is the difference between the two?
What is the strength of the quality improvement?
What are the limitations of quality improvement?
Give some example of quality assurance and quality improvement in education and training sector such as;
- observation of teaching practice
- Course evaluation form
- Learner’s review questionnaire
5.2 Explain the function of self-assessment, self-evaluation and quality cycle in education and training sector (250 – 300 words).
1. Why do think every education and training sector should assess their performance? (Self-assessment)
- Think about the function of Self-assessment in schools
- Think about the role of Self-assessment in schools
- Think about the purpose of Self-assessment in schools
2. Why do think every education and training sector should assess their performance? (Self-evaluation)
- Think about the function of self-evaluation in schools
- Think about the role of self-evaluation in schools
- Think about the purpose of self-evaluation in schools
3. Why do think every education and training sector should have quality cycle process? (quality cycle)
- Think about the function of quality cycle in schools
- Think about the role of quality cycle in schools
- Think about the purpose of quality cycle in schools
5.3 Evaluate a learning programme taking into account quality maintenance of own organisation (300 – 400 words)
1. Choose a learning programme (it can be the programme you are teaching)
2. Evaluate the learning programme if it meets the quality maintenance arrangement of the organisation (school and training sector)
For example.
- Define quality maintenance
- Choose the learning program
- Explain in detail the aim and objective of the learning program
- What is the overall syllabus for this study program?
- What is the delivery procedure of this study? E.g.; PowerPoint, videos, posters etc.…
- How long does it run?
- How is it assesses?
- Ways to evaluate a learning programme:
* Learner surveys
* Focus groups
* Formal and informal learner feedback
* Team review
* Early review to check meeting expectations
* On-programme to ensure satisfaction
* Reactive in response to concerns
* Learner achievement records
* Value-added rates
* Opportunities for action planning - Evaluation outcomes
* Outcomes of course evaluations
* Student survey data
* Benchmarked retention
* Achievement and success data,
* Value-added achievement
* Student progression data
5.4 Identify areas which requires improvement in the learning programmed (250- 300 words)
1.What are the areas that requires improvement in the learning programme that you created in task 5.3?
Areas for improvement can include:
1. Plan changes in delivery approaches
2. New delivery techniques
3. Development of resources
4. Use of new technologies or online resources
5. More flexible approaches to improve access to programme Opportunities for staff development
6. Working with stakeholders.