Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Social Media In Business
January 21, 2019Operations Management
January 21, 2019
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Assignment Two
Strategic cyber intelligence offers senior leaders an accurate assessment of how to direct cyber-related expenses in line with an organization’s risk heuristic. It should reduce the exposure of business to regulatory or legal sanctions by giving prior warning to a cybersecurity event (thus allowing mitigation). Strategic cyber intelligence should be broad and will target cyber intelligence related to the sector to which the organization belongs and perhaps also includes complementary sectors. It should consider threats, vulnerabilities, potential impact, and available countermeasures. In defining strategic cyber intelligence requirements, three sets of information can be analyzed: 1. What information the senior leadership team needs to make strategic decisions. 2. What information about the potential adversary (or external environment) is needed. 3. What security posture is in place related to your organization’s assets of value. Your task: Explain the above three points in detail. Word Count: 1200
The term threats are often used to describe the unknown services and attacks of the outsiders to the system. They are often an abused term, especially when the threat to one of the organization may not be a threat to another. Many organizations are failing to understand the importance of the threats and didn’t take any appropriate steps to minimize the resources from where they are coming (Ahuja & Ahuja, 2016).
Without any ideas and security knowledge, they share the information on the web that increases the chance of risk and vulnerability analysis. In order to fix the issues, there should be a combination of capability, intent and the opportunity. With the combination with these three, the components of the threats will break (Carraher, 2013).
Information required to make strategic decisions
The cyber intelligence is one of the most critical terms for the organization point of view in order to improve the capabilities, efficiency and the relevancy of the system by improving the threat detection methods, emergency or prioritization responses. It is defined as the information that the IT sectors need for detecting the existing and possible threats on the device. The cyber intelligence is the output of the threat research and the various analyses done on the systems of the organizations (Craig, 2017).
As per Demertzis & Iliadis, the senior management team should make some strategic decisions in order to explain the effective assess and quantify the risks to the senior management team and other stakeholders. They should collaborate with the members of the law enforcement, defense organization, the intelligence community and the other information security communities of the organization in a specific and meaningful way (Demertzis & Iliadis, 2016). The senior team members should describe a relevant standard of diligence to the auditors, regulators as well as to the stakeholders. They should minimize the expenditure of the various business to the legal sections and the regulatory.
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They should describe the various resources related to the security by defining what is necessary to the organization as well as the threat to the company. It is important to understand the security loopholes of the existing systems. The loopholes of the devices are the most critical part in case of threat detection. The employees need to understand the importance of the loopholes within the organization (Gottschalk, 2016). Apart from the loopholes of the devices, it is important on part of the employees to understand the threats and what are the possible things that can be done on the systems. The senior team should also consider the role, nature and identity of the customer on basis of the time frame, decision process, the scope of collections, potential adversaries and on the technical level that are available in the collection of the cyber intelligence (Ojiako, et al., 2015).
Based on all of these factors, the idea of strategic cyber intelligence is maintained by the senior teams of management both in private as well as in public sectors. The main target of such programs is to minimize the chances of risk from the critical decision and assets of the organization. It helps the senior team to defend the organization from threats. A successful strategic cyber intelligence planning plays a vital role in defending the government and private sectors.
Information Needed about the potential adversary (or external environment)
The organization didn’t consider them as an enticing objective for the cyber-attacks until after the event has occurred. To prevent the organization from the surprise incidents from the attackers, the organization should perform the threat-based assessment that will take an outward-looking and intelligence-driven approach to understand the real meaning of the threats landscape and also to identify the potential threats (Reddington & Sahota, 2017).
According to Rescher, the organization needs to understand which type of cyber threat actors are going to attack in the cyber incident and what the reason is. The potential actors include the venomous insider, cybercriminals, hacktivists, and the terrorists. The organization needs to understand the threat and should evaluate the risk before it leads to some massive problems within the organization (Rescher, 2017). They should seek to understand the adversary thought process through the red training. The red training team is very well trained and versed in the doctrine, strategies and the TTP. Various methods and targets are cleared from this training that helps the team to analyze the treat easily within the system.
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There are various methods the organization should consider to increase the threat detection methods in the organization. The workplace should have the cameras and there shouldn’t be any paper on the desk. The paper documents can be leaked to the other employees that may have some important information. The locking system of the organization should be maintained properly after the employee left the desk (Singh & Verma, 2014). The passwords of the systems should be maintained properly and that should have good strength. The employees should check the access of their own system regularly that will automatically reduce the chances of external attacks. The organization shouldn’t allow the data storage devices to the organization which has huge chances of transferring the important information from one device to the other. The various robust collection and the analysis methods will not the entire territory of threats activity. So the organization needs to add the supplement to the on-going collection and analysis efforts of the organization.
Security posture related to an organization’s assets of value
A relevant threat intelligence program in the organization will enable the front-line analysis that mainly focuses on the hunt missions of the security sections of the organization. In the recent scenario, the Reo process has highly been used by various organizations in Australia. The process enables the user to understand the basics of the security guidelines that are available in the system (Wanda & Stian, 2015).
These guidelines will prevent the system from any attacks that have the chances of leaking information. Every device or system should go through the internal and external quality analysis of the system. As per Singh & Vermal, the internal and external quality of the system will give the entire knowledge about the stakeholders, customers as well as about the critical information. The software and the antivirus should be updated to a regular version. The system should have the updated version of the software so that the attacks can be easily identified with the advancement in the technology (Singh & Verma, 2014).
The main aim of the organization is to implement the strategic cyber intelligence capability that will reduce the chances of the treats and risks from the system. To implement this, the organization should maintain the intelligence resources properly, should ensure the critical missions and business needs. These processes will ultimately increase the understanding capability of its attacks and help it to relate it to the surface potential threats actors who have bad intentions to exploit the organization’s vulnerabilities.
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With the help of the senior leaders of the organization, the analysis process will be enhanced and allows the senior leaders to take the relevant decisions for the company. The ability to make an effective assessment and the range of the risks are reduced that helps the stakeholders for a better business deal. The collaboration between the data and the sharing system will increase in a relevant manner with the law enforcement and defense organizations. The intelligence community and other security teams work with more interest and resources that help to reduce the threats from the system.
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