LWD101 Ethics Law and Health Care Sample
June 28, 2020Unit 4 Personal and professional Development in Health and Social Care
June 29, 2020Introduction
The most common concern of each and every university is that students are plagiarizing their assignments. Academics are trying to develop the skills of the students in reading, writing and critical thinking abilities of the students to make their future brighter. The advent of the Internet has somehow ruined this aim of the universities and academics, as it has enabled the students to get reading materials any of the topics which they usually copy and use in their assignments. (DDibartolo, Mary C, PhD, Rn, BC; Walsh, Catherine M, Phd&RN, 2010) Students plagiarize due to different reasons which include lack of knowledge, fear of failing, various study culture and especially laziness. All these reasons are giving rise to the use of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a multi-faceted and ethical problem. Plagiarism is copying the informative data for our own use without citing the original source. (DDibartolo, Mary C, PhD, Rn, BC; Walsh, Catherine M, Phd&RN, 2010)It occurs when a student intentionally copies someone else’s ideas, language, or other original material without acknowledging its sources. This is applicable to online and in print text publications, manuscripts, journals, and to the work of other students. (Su-Hie Ting, Muruatul Khusmah Musa & Florence Sau-Fong Mah, 2014)
Why students plagiarize?
There are many reasons because of which students use plagiarism in their assignment. These are mentioned below:
Fear of Failure
There is a belief amongst the students that Education is a key to higher earnings and higher status. With this belief, students try to get success in their academics for a great future. This creates a fear in them for getting fail. As they don’t want to get fail in their class they try to opt for different ways to prevent such a situation (Sikes, 2009).
Students have pressure by their parent’s side to get success in their course work without failing; they also get continuous pressure from teacher’s side to achieve good marks in all assignments and get a pass certificate for each course. In this case, students being under pressured try to plagiarize the work and rename it as their own work.
Lack of Planning
Lack of Planning is another important reason which encourages the students to adopt the practice of plagiarism. Students may not be able to properly plan their assignments as per the requirement of the universities and this may lead to plagiarism. Improper planning can develop the need for plagiarism in a student’s mind. (TshepoBatane, 2010)
Cheating as a shortcut
In the view of many students, the best shortcut is cheating. This perception is being used in many academic works too by different students. They usually do think that cheating is much easier to work than creating their own work. This motivates them to plagiarize the other’s work and considering them as their own. They copy other student’s work to submit it as their own work. Universities are concerned about this thinking of students and the plagiarism done by them due to this reason.
Lack of Interest
Sometimes students don’t have an interest in a particular assignment, topic, course work etc, in this case, due to lack of Interest they are not able to fulfil the requirements of their assignments. Lacking Interest may motivate them to copy the required work or information for their own use. Uninterested students usually avoid doing such course-works and use plagiarism intentionally to provide the required work to academics. (Theresa Kwong, Hing-Man Ng, Mark Kai-Pan & Eva Wong, 2010)
Competitive grades
In this competitive world, students try to get highly ranked for being in the competition. To get higher grades students use the copied information or data in their course work. They think that giving such work they will secure high grades which will build their high reputation in class or society. Just to get a good impression they get attracted towards plagiarism and provide a plagiarized work to their respective universities.
Laziness is being considered as the most important factor of Plagiarism in academics as per many universities. Students are nowadays being lazy. In laziness they don’t do their work and prefer to get their work done anyhow, no matter the way they are adopting to do the work easily is ethical or not. This has emerged the need plagiarism for such students. These students copy their work from the internet or elsewhere and submit it as it is without properly citing the sources of information. (Sikes, 2009)
Ignorance about the plagiarism in students
Many students don’t have proper knowledge of Plagiarism concept. They don’t know what is plagiarism, how to prevent it, standards of plagiarism etc. This mostly gave a rise to the occurrence of plagiarism. This reason is also a common reason after laziness in many universities for plagiarism. (Su-Hie Ting, Muruatul Khusmah Musa & Florence Sau-Fong Mah, 2014)
Apart from above-mentioned reasons, seeking thrill is one more reason for plagiarism. Some of the students think that plagiarizing is a thrill-seeking activity as it is an additional method of violating the rules of the universities. Whereas, some of the students take the assignments as a challenge and just focuses on completing the assignments rather than complying with quality. This reason also encourages the students to plagiarize.
Importance of ethical considerations in academics
In Academics, ethical considerations are of foremost importance. Students are advised to maintain ethics while doing their academic work. The aim of these ethical considerations is to develop and polish the academic and professional skills of the students. Universities aim to develop students into honest and trustworthy professionals. Plagiarism is an ethical problem which should be avoided by each and every student.
In the ethical norms of universities, it is always mentioned that plagiarism is not allowed. This rule is developed with a concern that student should have the capability to write. They should have proper knowledge about their course work. This is to develop the skills of trust, honesty, writing, reading, critical thinking, and integrity. (Sikes, 2009)
Ethics are Important as they emphasize one’s skill and develop him into a great personality. Universities want to teach their students to behave ethically. Plagiarism is cheating which is totally unethical in nature. These unethical practices cannot take anyone’s career too far. (DDibartolo, Mary C, PhD, Rn, BC; Walsh, Catherine M, Phd&RN, 2010)Unethical practices ruin the career, therefore ethical behaviour is important for a better career in future.
Plagiarism is copying from someone’s work for our own use. Plagiarism is highly unethical in nature. It occurs when a student intentionally copies someone else’s ideas, language, or other original material without acknowledging its sources.
There are several reasons due to which students plagiarize their work. The most common reason is laziness in the students; because of this reason students generally copy their work from different sources. Other reasons are fear of failure, lack of planning, lack of interest, ignorance, competitive grades and thrill.
We have concluded here that to develop professional skills in a student ethical behaviour is essential. Students are required to behave ethically for their better career in future as it will develop many skills internally.
DDibartolo, Mary C, PhD, Rn, BC; Walsh, Catherine M, Phd&RN. (2010). Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures; Where Are We in Addressing Academic Dishonesty? Journal of Nursing Education, volume: 49, issue number: 10, pg,543-544, doi: http://dx.doi.org.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/10.3928/01484834-20100921-01, URL:http://search.proquest.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/docview/758922905?accountid=14543.
Sikes, P. (2009). International Journal of Research & Method in Education. International Journal of Research & Method in Education.
Su-Hie Ting, Muruatul Khusmah Musa & Florence Sau-Fong Mah. (2014). Plagiarism Norms and Practice in Coursework Assignments. International Journal of Education, voline: 6, issue number: 1,pg.73-90, doi:.
Theresa Kwong, Hing-Man Ng, Mark Kai-Pan & Eva Wong. (2010). Student’s and faculty’s perception of academic integrity in Hong Kong. Campus – Wide Information Systems, volume: 27, issue: 5, page number: 341-351.
TshepoBatane. (2010). Turning to Turnitinfo Fight Plagiarism among University Students. Education technology & society, volume: 13, issue number: 2 page 1-12,.