Assessment Task 3 Major Individual Assignment
October 7, 2022
Assessment 2 – Marketing Plan Development
October 8, 2022The aim of this assignment is to conduct a management analysis of Tassal – http://www.tassal.com.au
The report should contain the following elements (please see marking rubrics for more details):
- Background, introduction and importance of company to the Australian and international business landscape:
o Focus on its international business environment and funnel it down to Australian base - Research, analysis and discussion of sustainability related strategies and issues:
o Please relate your analysis to sustainability practices of Tassal (i.e. reflect on relevant theory + strategies applied + sustainability practices implemented by the company), and include the roles of planning, organising, leading and controlling mainly demonstrated via: - Planning and strategy
- Human resources management
- Leadership
- Controlling the value chain and technology
- Future strategies management should engage in (identify 3 major strategies based on previous analysis of the company)
o Please make recommendations and conclusions based on your analysis
Submitting the Assignment
This is an individual report. You should submit using the Moodle submission link for this assignment. Remember that, the report should
- be approximately 2,500 words. Word count starts from Introduction to Conclusions.
- use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing
- use Harvard referencing. 15-20 references are expected. Please use at least 75% of academic references.
Marking rubrics
See the Subject Learning Guide for marking rubrics, and more detailed guidelines in LMS