CSDR0407 – Critical Analysis
March 27, 2022
March 27, 2022Course – Master Level, College : Herriot Watt, Grade Expected – A or B level
Coursework Two: Research Outline. Your second assignment for this course is to write a Research Outline. Your assignment should be 1,800 words ±10%. The word count excludes the list of references at the end of the document. In-text citations, however, are included in the word count. Your task. You plan to conduct a research study on a topic of interest to you. You discuss your plans with a potential research mentor and they ask you to put your ideas down on paper and present them in the form of a research outline. Your mentor expects your research outline to be succinct and rigorous and present a clear idea as to the WHAT, WHY and How of your research. You are asked to include the following elements in your outline: 1. A clear working title for your proposed study and a short introduction. A Short overview explaining what this study is about and why it is important and interesting. [250 Words] A clear research aim Make sure to state your research aim(s) which summarises what you want to achieve with the entire study (50 Words) A brief literature review From your initial and engaged reading of the literature, what previous research has been carried out in your chosen area of research? Specify and discuss which theoretical body of knowledge you are basing your study within. [500 Words] 4. A consideration of the methods that you may be adopting for data collection and analysis. Explain the methods you expect to use. Are they qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of both? How are you getting your data and which tools for data collection are you using? [700 words]. 5. A note on research ethics. How will your research comply with the principles of ethical research? (250Words). Text Book to be referred. Research methods for business students / Mark N.K. Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill. N. K. Saunders ; Philip Lewis 1945-; Adrian Thornhill Harlow : Pearson. 2019 Chapter 5 and 6 for Research Design and Ethic. The Reference Page The reference page should be presented in terms of Harvard Style conventions. References should also be cited alphabetically appropriately throughout your outline to demonstrate that you have read and understood the work of others. The reference page is not counted in the word count. However, any in-text cations are included in the wordcount. arvard style Remember that your assignment should be entirely written in your own words. If you must quote directly, you will be expected to provide the full Harvard reference for the quoted source to include in your list of references at the end of the document. Concluding Notes Students are expected to demonstrate understanding of and ability to apply the research concepts they have learned in this course. This assignment will enable you to explore and reflect on the process of developing a research proposal as you progress to the next stage in your studies. Eg of Harvard Style Reference Akkermans, J., Tims, M., Beijer, S., & De Cuyper, N. (2019) ‘Should employers invest in employability? Examining employability as a mediator in the HRM–commitment relationship.’, Frontiers in psychology, Vol.10, pp.717. As this is reflective essay , if quote taken , please add Harvard style at least 6-7 references