Brand Management Sample
January 8, 2022
AGR-595 Managing Agro-ecosystems
January 8, 20221. Introduction
Event management is the utilization of venture administration for the creation and management of huge scale occasions, for example, celebrations, gatherings, services, formal gatherings, shows, or traditions and weddings. It includes examining the brand, recognizing the intended interest group, concocting the occasion idea, arranging the logistics, and planning the specialized perspectives before really dispatching the event.
The procedure of arranging and coordinating the occasion is generally alluded to as event planning and can incorporate planning, booking, site choice, gaining fundamental grants, organizing transportation and stopping, masterminding speakers or performers, orchestrating stylistic layout, occasion security, providing food and crisis plans (Ayers, Stasko 1995).
2. About the Project
The project is a website that is based on wedding planning. The website goes by the name of a Wedding planner. The purpose of the website is to help in the event management of the wedding. Usually event management is carried out by some small business units where the person has to be present personally to discuss with them and negotiate on various aspects of wedding planning. In this project, I use the best web creation tools for online wedding planner management. This project can be utilized by any wedding planner business unit for promoting their brand and sales (Bronner, de Hoog 2010).
Website creation is an art and requires creativity and good imaginary skills apart from technical skills. The website design must comply with the standards of the website designing and must also reflect uniqueness in terms of design templates used, colors of text, text sizing, screen utilization, and navigations.
Millions of websites are present over the world wide web. But only some make it to the front page of Google or any other search engine. It is because of its unique content, unique styles, and proper utilization of web tools that rank the website among the top ones. Thus a website designer must always aim to design a website to be ranked among the best websites and also must adhere to customer requirements.
Some steps for creating a website are as follow:
Gather the customer requirements upon which the website is to be built. It is the aim or purpose of designing the website.
Make a rough design plan on a paper and make a rough storyboard diagram of the design something as shown in figure below.
- Choose typography i.e. text typefaces and color combinations.
- Select a color theme for a website
- Divide the layout
- Gather the necessary tools and system requirements
- Code the website based on the above design plan
- Test the plan
- Host the website
- Perform regular maintenance
3.1 Basic Customer Requirements of Wedding planning websites
In today’s scenario, people are leading very busy lives. In order to take care of the financial needs of the family, an individual is working round the clock. For any individual wedding is a very special occasion where the person that is marrying is about to experience a feeling that lasts for a lifetime. Everyone wants to make it special and beautiful. Earlier a couple looking for a beautiful wedding had to hire a wedding planner so that all the nitty-gritty of the wedding could be handled well. But in hiring the wedding planner in person the couple had to frequently visit the offices of the wedding planners so as decide what they want. This process used to be very stressful as couples had to take time out from their otherwise busy schedule and reach the office of the wedding planner (Robert,2015). Now with the advent of wedding planning websites, all these stresses are a thing of the past. Wedding websites are now offering a range of services for couples that are about to get married. A basic wedding planning website must have services such as Venues for weddings, Food that would be served during a wedding, the decorations and themes for the wedding, and entertainment that will be provided for the guests (Byrne, 1999 ).
3.2 Basic features of a website
Any website should include at least the following pages (SBMResoureces,2014)
- Home page: This describes the overall structure and services of the business.
- About page: which describes the organization’s aims, goals, missions, and people managing the business.
- Contact page: This gives contact details of the business.
- Easy navigation links with navigation to each page
- Good content in simple English
- Images or videos or both for visual effects
- proper layout like dividing the screen into frames for proper utilization of screen and adding aesthetic looks to the website
- Animation effects for images or videos for easy access.
Creativity in a website can be displayed by utilizing proper colours, tools, animations, text styles, image effects, responsive galleries, and responsive web pages, and customized platform independent website with mobile friendly and browser friendly capabilities.
A website should be user-friendly and be easily navigated. It should not be complex. The website should support the latest technology tools and must be compatible with many devices(Matt 2013).
HTML is known as hypertext mark-up language. It consists of tags which are used in a manner to make a complete webpage. To add more designs to text like text colours, styles, cascading style sheets (CSS) are used (Kaasten Greenberg & Edwards 2002). But these days websites are supported with attractive features like image display gallery such services require the usage of javascript a scripting language which makes designing effects to be reflected on the web page(Lynch, Horton 1995).
4. Features of the project of wedding planner website
Keeping all the above specifications in mind, I designed a website using HTML5, CSS, and Javascript (Hoft 1995). The designed website has a new kind of navigations and gallery support which in fact gives an attractive look to the overall website.
The website of wedding planner includes the following features:
- Home page: The home page of the website is designed so that it includes all the information needed for any user to understand the website’s looks, aims, and services. To provide navigation I used navigation buttons at the top of the website.
An ample look at the home page is as follows:
The navigation buttons are
Home, wedding, gallery, and contact
- Wedding page: it includes details of some successful weddings and the services provided by wedding planner management organizations.
- Gallery pages: The gallery page is a page that contains a gallery of some best weddings organized by the company. This gives an idea to customers that the company is capable of organizing such events successfully.
- Contact page: This page allows customers or users or anyone to give feedback or contact the organizers freely and easily. A friendly user interactive form is used for providing a feedback
- Buttons: Usage of buttons for view more or navigation to other or same page.
- Search box for quick search within the website
- A location map embedded in the web page
4. Critical Analysis
The project is the creation of a website. Websites are used for the promotion and branding of any business. This project included creative website design for a wedding planner. Evaluation of the wedding planner website on the basis of marking criteria displays that the website designed contains user creativity and innovations of embedding new technological tools for making the website.
The content that has been written on the website is using very simple English for a better understanding of the customers. It is highly imperative that a website contains content that is easily readable and understandable. The user-friendly content of the website will make sure that the visiting customer completely understands the what the website is offering the customers in totality.
The navigation menu of the website is designed very aesthetically along with simplicity so the any visitor visiting the website does not face any problem in navigating from one page to another. The layout of the website has also been designed keeping in mind the requirements that usually customers have pertaining to a wedding planning website. The website has been structured in such a way that the look and feel of the website are enhanced.
Other new tools of navigation have been incorporated into the website. An HTML5 based button, Search box, and links have been integrated into the website. Thus proper utilization of navigational tools and technology has been displayed.
Various visual effects have been added to the website to give a more surreal experience to the customers. Various responsive galleries have been implemented for the purpose of viewing photographs. The effects are added through new Java script libraries and Java Query plugins. These effects are compatible even on mobile devices and are supported by various kinds of browsers available. Usually, many websites lack such customization features. Thus on the basis of visual design, the designed website stands up to the mark.
Various functionality like HTML pages, Frames, images, CSS, etc. has been incorporated into the website. This enhances the looks and functionality of the website. The gallery of the images lacks the functionality of a slide show with left and right navigation arrows of images. This is reducing the overall gallery look and feel.
In terms of interactivity, the website gives a responsive interaction to any user or visitor. The website supports basic pages which are mandatory for the website. The overall experience of the website is sure to be a happy endeavor for any user.
5. References
Ayers E, Stasko J (1995), ‘Using Graphic History in Browsing the World Wide web.’ in Proceedings of the Fourth International World Wide Web Conference. pp- 11–14 Boston, MA.
Bronner, F, & de Hoog, R (2010), ‘Consumer-generated versus marketer-generated websites in consumer decision making, International Journal of Market Research, 52(2), 231-248.
Bowen, Jonathan P, and Silvia Filippini-Fantoni (2004), “Personalization and the Web from a Museum Perspective.“ .
Byrne M, John B, Wehrle & Crow (1999 ), ‘The Tangled Web We Wove: A Taskonomy of WWW Use’, in Proceedings of CHI’99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Pittsburgh, May 15–20: Pittsburgh, May 15–20) pp 544—551.
Cody, Sue Ann (1997), “Historical Museums on the World Wide Web: An Exploration and Critical Analysis.” The Public Historian 19, No. 4 pp. 50.
Goel.,R (2014), ‘Top 10 characteristics and qualities of a Good Website’.
Hackett, S & & Zeng, X (2004), ‘Accessibility of Internet websites through time’, In ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, pp. 32-39.
Hoft, N (1995), ‘International technical communication: How to export information about high technology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Kaasten S (2001), ‘ Integrating Back, History and Bookmarks in Web Browsers Masters, University of Calgary’, Calgary.
Kaasten S, Greenberg S & Edwards C, (2002), ‘How People Recognize Previously Seen Web Pages from Titles, URLs and Thumbnails’, in People and Computers XVI (Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction 2002) pp 247-265.
Lynch, and S. Horton. (1995), ‘Yale C/AIM Web style guide.’ [Online] Available From http://info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/contents.html > [ Accessed on 16/10/2015].
Matt, P (2013), ‘How to Set up a Hosted WordPress Site’, [Online] Available from: http://mashable.com/2013/06/11/wordpress-how-to/#VEWqyRDDN8qu. [Accessed on 16/10/2015].
Robert (2015), ‘How to make a website.’
SBMResoureces (2014) ‘20 Qualities of Top Website Designers’ [Online] Available from http://upcity.com/blog/20-qualities-of-top-website-designers/[Accessed on 16/10/2015].