Discussion Post Assignment
January 17, 2024
January 19, 2024Introduction
Resource is defined as the elements or materials available in the environment that are economically feasible, accessible, and sustainable culturally and can be used anytime according to needs. Resources can be divided into two parts. These are renewable resources and non-renewable resources. Based on the development level, resources can be divided into two categories. These are potential and actual resources. These resources can be private, national, community, and, international. It helps a person to get information about a particular topic. Based on origin, resources can be divided into two parts. These are abiotic and biotic resources.
Task 1
1.1 Purposes of resources in learning and teaching:
- The main purpose of the resources is to give proper sources of learning that are present between the student and the teacher.
- Teaching resources help teachers in planning, delivering, and assessing the teaching lessons delivered to the students
- Teaching and learning resources can be of different types. These are articles, websites, or social media.
The main purpose of the resources is to give proper sources of learning that are present between the student and the teacher. These materials can help teachers to give knowledge to their students about different areas. If the teachers can gather information from the resources then they can give effective information to their students. Students can use resources as per their needs and can collect useful information from these. Proper use of resources in teaching and learning can help in building attitudes, values, skills, and a foundation of learning in life (Apriana et al. 2019). The main purpose of teaching resources is to help teachers in planning, delivering, and assessing the teaching lessons and delivering them to the students. The main motive of learning resources is to help students learn things easily and get various information according to their needs and demands. Teaching and learning resources can be of different types. These are articles, websites, or social media. The advantages of resources are: that they help to get a clear idea about a topic, give an outline of the challenges, and prevent them from getting worse. There are also some disadvantages of renewable resources. These resources can run out with time, unlike renewable resources.
2.3 Analyzing the theories, principles, and models of inclusive curriculum design:
- Analyzing different models is necessary to understand different resource designing models and apply them to help students in different areas.
- VAK model works on sensory strengths like auditory, visual, reading, and writing so this can help a student to understand their strength and their weaknesses in education.
- The SMOG model is associated with learning time.
Analyzing different models is necessary to understand different resource designing models and apply them to help students in different areas. Bloom’s taxonomy can be used to understand different challenging situations and to curb them according to their importance. It can help a student to understand different levels of complexity of a situation and gives the proper idea to face that situation and learn various things from a difficult situation.
VAK model works on sensory strengths like auditory, visual, reading, and writing so this can help a student to understand their strength and their weaknesses in education. If a student can understand their strengths and weaknesses then they can learn from the resources based on that. If a student knows about their strengths, then they can use the resources accordingly for proper understanding. This model is used by the teachers to enrich the classroom environment to teach a student.
The SMOG model is associated with learning time (Vargas et al. 2019). In this case, teachers divide the whole course into several parts and then present it to the students. This can help in nurturing the student learning process. A teacher can apply this model to understand how the students are responding to a particular lesson. It helps the teacher to arrange a resource accordingly. Maslow’s pyramid helps to understand different levels of working and helps students to understand.
3.1 Explanation of the ways resources can be classified and stored:
- Resources are very useful in the area of education for proper learning. For learning, resources can be classified in different ways and they are stored in different ways.
- Minimizing hard copy can help all the teachers manage their teaching resources properly. Online mode of storing resources can be used for proper usage.
Resources are very useful in the area of education for proper learning. For learning, resources can be classified in different ways and they are stored in different ways. Resources can be divided based on different aspects (Fernandez et al. 2019). These aspects may be origination, exhaustibility, ownership, and development status. Based on origination resources are of two types such as biotic and abiotic, and based on ownership they can be divided into four parts commutative, individual, international, and national. Based on development status, resources can be divided into potential and stock. Based on exhaustibility, resources can be classified into two types. These are: nonrenewable and renewable.
Minimizing hard copy can help all the teachers manage their teaching resources properly. Online mode of storing resources can be used for proper usage. Labeling everything can help in finding proper resources at the right time (Dollinger et al. 2018). Student resources can be stored both in hard copies and soft copies. However, storing soft copies is more reliable than storing hard copies. Students can store their resources in that way which is going to help them the most.
Task 2
1.2 meeting individual learning needs:
If a teacher needs to assist a student, he/she needs to understand the strengths and weaknesses so that teachers can give proper guidance to their students. These factors help to organize resources and also give ideas about resource-organizing strategies (Berti, 2018). To get proper strategies to design the resources, different skills are needed in education. Required skills are research and cognitive skills, skill of literacy, communication skills, and many more. According to researchers, a well-maintained classroom practice can give a teacher a proper idea about learning needs in education. The development of resources in education can enrich the content and help in meeting the expectations of the students in the classroom. The curriculum of an organization should be set in such a way so that the skills match with the learners. Meeting the needs of the individual students is necessary. Identification of the needs of different students can give ideas about the deficiencies and gaps in designing resources (Paseka and Schwab, 2020). Different activities can be done to identify the basic needs of the students and then addressing these needs is important. Technological innovations can also be included to meet the needs of the students. In a dynamic learning environment, it is almost impossible to separate education and technology. [Referred to Appendix 1]
2.1 Analyzing principles of resource design:
It is very important to set some basic rules based on the organization to design the resources. There are some basic principles to design resources. One of the basic rules is the VAK model which is defined as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (Mohammadnia and Moghadam, 2019). This theory of learning says about learning by using one of the above sense channels. It provides a very simple way of learning and explaining. In this case of resource design, sensory receivers are the priority to identify and then based on that resources are designed. The main four learning styles in this model are writing, reading, auditory, and visual mediums.
The next important principle (bloom) is addressing the learning domain or bloom which includes three main areas of learning. These are: psychomotor, affective, and cognitive. All of these are necessary to create a proper level of learning. It is a hierarchy system that acts at different levels of thinking. Steps in this process are: identifying the learning intentions, making questions for deeper thinking, and separating the lessons.
The SMOG model defines a simple measure of Gobbledygook and this is a model that is required to estimate the years needed for an education to properly understand the materials. This is a process to divide a course into sections which can be helpful for students at a particular time. [Referred to Appendix 2]
2.2 Evaluation of sources that inform resource development in own specialist area:
Formal and informal sources can be used for designing the resources. In the case of informal resources, a student can gather information from libraries and other means by conducting research (Goldbach et al. 2018). Formal resources are the means which can be obtained by any person like magazines or newspapers and articles on the internet. Students can also use internet materials for their learning as these resources are very reliable for vocational or other areas of learning. It can also be effective for education. The Internet is a very big area to gather knowledge from. On any topic, it can provide materials to learn for the students. As a teacher, it is important to build skills in students through the resources so that they can enjoy the material of learning. Online journals and articles can give research results about education. Reliability and authenticity of a resource are very important for a student so they can learn from that resource (Gibson-Helm et al. 2018). Different research topics can provide various new things about different areas like vocational or other areas.
2.4 Analyzing the ways that can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area:
Mainly resources are set to meet all the student expectations. Designing a resource is dependent on the disabilities and difficulties of a student. Paper-based resources are to be used based on the sensitivity of a user (Romlah and Latief, 2021). To understand the difficulties of an area paper-based resources are important. For education, paper-based resources can be very limited. Using libraries and different research-based resources helps students gather separate information that cannot be gathered from paper-based resources. Many students can have problems with different sensory organs. For such students, resources can be used accordingly for better understanding. These resources may be audio clips or photographs. Different software can also be used for disabled students who cannot use traditional resources. These can help them in learning. For visually impaired students, colored papers can be used as resources for their better understanding. Online modes like PowerPoint or videos can be used for students who are strong in the auditory sense (Tyas et al. 2020). Online web-based applications also can help students find suitable resources to their advantage. These can create a sense of creativity in the students about their working areas. Adapting various means can help teachers to understand their students and help them in better learning.
3.2 Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals:
Every sector uses some common types of sharing resources based on their employees or students. The four main types of sharing resources are: “network shared areas”, “online folder sharing”, accessing VLEs, and using social networking and journals. Large organizations mainly share their resources in similar ways (Tomcikova and Coculova, 2020). Formal books and articles are one of the common ways of storing and sharing resources. Libraries and other documents can be sharing modes but the most reliable mode of sharing is the internet. Email service can be one of the efficient ways to share resources. Resource sharing is a significant part of education because all the students need to use it properly for their purposes. The Internet is the most reliable way to share resources because in this way resources are not lost. Reusing a resource is possible for this sharing mode and also sharing with multiple people is possible in this way.
Task 3
Portfolio evidence
Taxonomy matrix (Anderson & krathwohl, 2001) |
Gathering knowledge from memory |
Proper identification of resources |
Doing the procedure |
Making a judgment on the procedure |
Designing based on evaluation |
Factual knowledge
(discipline and problem-solving) |
Primary and secondary elements | Listing Features | Selection of a list of activity | Checking the Consistency of the resources | Making daily activity log |
Conceptual knowledge
(Relations between basic elements) |
Recognize different factors | Classification between different factors | Distinguishing between high and low culture | Finding relevant results | Making a team with different experts |
Procedural knowledge
(procedure of doing work, skills, and techniques) |
Performing a plan | Following all instructions | Compliance with the regulations | Efficiency calculations | Designing the product |
Meta-cognitive knowledge
(Awareness and knowledge) |
Making a strategy |
Idea of a problem |
Technical usage for problem-solving | Taking ideas from one progress |
Creation of a learning portfolio |
Table 1: Evidence portfolio
(Source: self-created)
Task 4
4.1 Legal requirements and responsibilities
The UK government has set different legal prohibitions on using the resources of the authors from the internet for education purposes for safety (Chyrva et al. 2020). Different resources like videos, audio, and compositions are connected with design and application-based copyright issues. All these legal terms are found in the legislation known as the “Copyright, design, and Patent Act 1988”. According to researchers, a well-maintained classroom practice can give a teacher a proper idea about learning needs in education. The development of resources in education can enrich the content and help in meeting the expectations of the students in the classroom. These legislations provide free protection to all the writers around. Every organization should keep such a system through which the originality of a resource can be checked. Turnitin is a software that can detect plagiarism and this helps protect the copyright of an authentic resource (Zainal et al. 2020). Data Protection Act 1998 defines that all the data used as a resource are used lawfully and fairly. In the education sector, it is important to restrict photocopying from original documents. Now all the students using these resources must comply with the legal issues related to these resources.
4.2 Analyze the implications of intellectual property and copyright
An organization should make sure that all the students and teachers are aware of the obligations related to resources. Organizations should ensure that all students comply with the legal policies related to data protection. Data protection can be monitored through telephone call monitoring and CCTV cameras (Shoaib et al. 2020). An organization should tighten the rules regarding intellectual property rights. Mainly these rights are for sensitive data on the internet. Avoidance of copying can make students creative and can stop resource data copying. Laws should be stricter for proper enforcement.
In this assignment, the importance of the resources is explained in education mainly for learning and teaching. Different aspects of using resources are explained in this section. Types of resources, new applications of resources, legislations, and legal implications of the resources are explained in detail. In different sectors including education, the sensitivity of the resources is an issue. Now different measures are taken by the government as well as the organization to save resources from copyright issues. Resources can give knowledge to the students and help teachers to give proper knowledge to their students. Resources can enrich the knowledge level of a student.
Reference list
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Appendix 1: Organizational resources
(Source: https://petramelville.files.wordpress.com/ )
Appendix 2: VAK model
(Source: Shoaib et al. 2020)