Internet of Things Assessment
March 2, 2022ECE230 Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood Sample
March 2, 2022Brief
of assessment task Part A: Story Book Reading
Carefully select an interesting children’s book and prepare yourself to engage in the Dialogic Reading approach. Audio-record yourself interacting with a child in relation to the storybook that you are reading aloud. The recording should be for 5-8 minutes in a preschool or child-care setting. Place your transcript in the Appendix.
You should use a dialogic reading approach as described by Vukelic, Christie & Enz (2008), Sharing good books with young children.
• How successful you were in following a ‘dialogic approach’. Give evidence from transcribed examples of your own teacher language to support your discussion.
• How much’ immediate talk’ there is and how much ‘non-immediate talk’. Give evidence from transcribed examples of child language to support your discussion. (Base your answer on the chapter by De Temple (2001), Parents and Children Reading Books Together).
• Reflect upon your above experiences and discuss how you will select books to share with children in Early Childhood settings. Describe the types of approaches and strategies you will use in the future when reading and to encourage reading (refer to relevant readings including our textbook)
NB: Do not submit any recordings, but keep a copy for your own records.
Transcribe all or approx. 5 minutes of the Dialogic reading session and place this in the Appendix of the assignment. See the Guidelines in Cloud n preparing the transcript.
Part B: Writing Development
Collect a sample of 3-5 year old child’s ‘role-play or emergent writing’.
Observe and take notes as the child writes and draws. Make sure the child’s work includes both drawing and the use of letters or letter-like script.
Ask the child to read the writing back to you and record what he or she says.
Discuss and analyse the child’s role play writing and what it demonstrates about their writing development in relation to the following (where relevant):
• The linear principle
• The flexibility principle
• The sign principle
• Word concept
• Names and words learned by sight as wholes
• Phonemic awareness
Base your answer on the readings by Hill (2014) & The Development of Writing and by Schickedanz & Casbergue (2004) & our textbook
Suggest two developmentally appropriate learning activities that might help improve this child’s writing and phonological awareness (refer to relevant readings including our textbook).
NOTE: Please scan/photograph and upload a copy of the child’s writing together with your assignment when you submit it online. It may otherwise be placed in the Appendix.
Detail of
output This is an individual assignment, 2000 words.
(Part A = 1000 words, Part B = 1000 words).
The Transcript should be placed in an Appendix.
Nb: The transcript is excluded from the word limit.
Learning Outcome(s)
assessed • Plan experiences and environments that support children’s language and literacy development.
• Monitor children’s progress in the dimensions of language and literacy development.
• Stimulate oral language development and storytelling in a range of contexts.
• Develop children’s concepts about print presented through diverse genres of print, digital and
multimodal texts..
• Support the development of children’s knowledge of the alphabet and phonemic awareness in
meaningful contexts through reading, rhymes, rhythms, songs, word play and everyday activities.
• Select supportive strategies appropriate for the diverse needs of individual learners.
• Identify and provide children with access to quality picture books, digital and multimodal texts.
• Help children develop early writing skills using traditional and digital writing implements.
Graduate Learning
Outcome(s) assessed Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession.
Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change.
Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment.
Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems.
Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions.
What early feedback
will student get, how and when? If their assignment is submitted on time, students will receive feedback in Cloud Deakin via the assessment rubric which provides feedback on achievement of each criteria and also some written feedback. Students are encouraged to ask questions about the assignment during Seminars and in the Cloud Discussion spaces prior to submission.
Assignment Submission
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unusual event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through Cloud Deakin, you should receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.