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February 18, 2022
International Trade, Human Rights and Sustainable Development in Conflict Zone: A Study of Nagaland
February 18, 2022Introduction
A political party functions as a motivator of various expressions of the citizens in a particular country. Various political parties act as communication channels between the citizens and the government. Political parties are like engineers of policy for the public. It is evident for studying various political parties in association to their role in the structuring of policies in the country as political parties in all government forms are engaged in the policy farming function. The foreign and domestic policies are the outcomes of the expressions made by various political parties (König & Chaudhuri, 2016).
Minimizing the complexity of variations in the political opinion to a scale of left or right is a very common discussion in the public discourse, academic inquiry and media. It is also the very convenient assumption of modelling in Political Science, Economics, and different social science. Saffron India is a term in Indian Politics that is named after the robes that were saffron coloured which were worn by the Hindu Sanyasis. This connotation is used by various critics while referring to policies of the Hindu nationalists of the right-wing which strives to glorify the ancient cultural history of Hinduism (Leach, 2015).
The Role Of Communist Party
The role of the communist party in the year 1942 is much maligned. The communist party had committed a tactical blunder during that period. All the communist formation in the country has accepted that. However, communists stayed a very significant category during the freedom movement. As per Mohapatra (2016), various militant fighters were inspired by the successful revolution in October in the region of the Soviet Union along with the communist ideology. It can also be said that they were inspired by the ideology of leaders such as Bhagat Singh and militant fighters who graduated to communism in huge numbers (Mohapatra, 2016).
This has resulted in making India undergo a new alignment in politics with various distinct characteristics. The periodization of the political systems of India is debatable and it is also basically accepted that there were a minimum of 2 key political alignments in the history of independent India prior to the current alignment of Indian politics that includes a party of the right-wing that attains a majority in the parliament of India for the first time.
Left-Wing Politics
The social structure of India comprises a populist and massive agitation to get more difficult and shifts the entire focus regarding mobilization for identification. In a country like India, people belonging to poor backgrounds and lower case do not happen to want the abolition of social and religious structures; however, want to gain a higher position in the constitutional frameworks. Moreover, the people of India are very much oriented towards religions. According to Rajagopal (2017), these aspects result to the shit of the politics of India in the orientation of more fragmented lines along with religion and caste which has been more prominent after 1989 (Rajagopal, 2017).
Most of the parties are left-wing theoretically, however, this is relevant in the sense that they happen to use the strength and power of the Indian government for doling out all the favours towards their castes and supporters. However, the electoral fundamental of these parties like that of the Samajwadi Party in the state of Uttar Pradesh is very constrained (Rehman, 2013). The duration from 1989 to 2014 was significantly dominated by many of such kinds of parties which resulted in an era of coalition and fragmentation of governments on both federal and state levels. Right from the year 2014, India has entered into a newer state of political alignment with the development s in the power of the right arm which is one strong and single right-wing party against a multiplicity of parties in the right parties (Zeng, 2015).
Right-Wing Politics
As the right-wing part, that is Bharatiya Janta Party has been in power since 2014, the election of the year marked with the empowerment of right-winged party at the federal level without the formation of a coalition government. While most of the success of BJP is because of the popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there are various structural aspects as well. According to Roy (2014), the right-wing party has been successful in the consolidation of the society which is more focused on saffron or Hindu section of the society as compared to the communist parties. The centre-left political parties such as the Congress Party have not done much for changing the structural change of the poorer or lower caste groups (Roy, 2014).
The Communist parties happen to sought after the abolishment of the social structures, on the contrary, the people belonging to poorer and lower caste groups and within the religion of Hinduism as compared to a socialist paradise. The Hindu right has been able to have consolidated various caste sections into almost a homogenous Hindu identity which gave everyone the kind of satisfaction that they wanted (Sircar, 2017). Right beyond the efficient consolidation of various groups under a common identification, the right-wing of India is able to undergo expansion its appeal by concentrating on the issues of economic and development growth as compared to the handouts (Tate, 2015).
This has appealed to a broad section of people encompassing the individuals who desire of obtaining better opportunities for the economy and those individuals who desire improvement in the quality of governance in the country. The political spectrum of India is in the transformation process s of shifting towards the right. However, there will never be a complete shift in the entire political system. The language of political discourse has transformed in the orientation which is in regards to the social and economic matters (Willnat, Verghese & Mammadov, 2017).
The communist parties along with their ideology in the country have been observed to lose their light in the past three decades. The communist’s parties, however, have been successful in alienating the communist philosophy and for the entire youth. It is fact that when the right-wing is getting stronger, the left-wing needs to balance the scale. Empowering communism in the society of India in a more social uplifting orientation will ensure the balancing of the country’s political system in a very effective manner. Moreover, the right-wing will consider it as a scale for providing better governance to the country.
König, L. and Chaudhuri, B. eds., 2016. Politics of the other in India and China: Western Concepts in Non-western Contexts. Routledge.
Leach, R., 2015. Political ideology in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan.
Mohapatra, A., 2016. Out of Saffron Ashes: Revival of Hindutva in India (Doctoral dissertation).
Rajagopal, V., 2017. Sadan Jha, Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag. History and Sociology of South Asia, 11(1), pp.71-73.
Rehman, M., 2013. Muslim Politics in India and the 15th General Elections. Emerging Trends in Indian Politics: The Fifteenth General Election.
Roy, S., 2014. Society and Politics in India Understanding Political Sociology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..
Sircar, O., 2017. New Queer Politics in the New India: Notes on Failure and Stuckness in a Negative Moment. Unbound, 11, pp.1-91.
Tate, S.A., 2015. Are We All Creoles?‘Sable-Saffron’Venus, Rachel Christie and Aesthetic Creolization? Creolizing Europe: Legacies and Transformations, 6, p.100.
Willnat, L., Verghese, R. and Mammadov, R., 2017. Symbols, Slogans, and Charisma: Political Posters in India’s 2014 National Election. In Election Posters Around the Globe (pp. 187-209). Springer, Cham.
Zeng, J., 2015. The Chinese communist party’s capacity to rule: Ideology, legitimacy and party cohesion. Springer.