DSRS4111/ 9060 Intellectual Disability
July 28, 2022Work and Society People, Management and Business Management
July 29, 2022Assessment scheme
The assessment scheme for this module consists of two summative assessment elements (an essay (70%) and a group presentation (30%) which all will count towards your final mark. These elements are spread over the entire academic year. Marks will be given in accordance to the Middlesex University 20-point assessment scale. If a student fails one summative assessment (mark below 40%), a better mark
might make up for the failed summative assessment element, assumed that the student achieves 40+% overall in the module. When two of assessment elements were failed, the student will fail the entire module. If this is the case, the module leader will decide on a suitable re-assessment. The detailed assessment elements are:
Summative group presentation of 10 minutes (with 5 minute question and answer) (30%) Please choose one Organisation of your choice
- What is the nature of the organisation?
- What type if serve-related work is carried out within the organisation?
- What impact might this service work have on individuals in the organisation in terms of their own psychological and physical wellbeing
– To be held in teaching weeks 10 and 11.
– All groups need to be ready to present in week commencing on week 10.
– Choose one case study organisation to present.
– Presentation order will be chosen randomly
– One hand-out for the tutor is required
– Worth 30% of final mark
Summative essay of words (70%)
There will be 2 essay questions that you will choose from. These will centre around the main theories and topics covered on the course. Essays will be focused on in semester 2, and will be completed on an individual basis with full essay structure and referencing expected. We will have sessions on essay writing and referencing in order to support students in their work. Essays will be expected to cover the main ideas and theories on the course, and to bring some original insight to the question in the form of some brief empirical research.
Some preliminary information:
– To be submitted to student office by May 3rd 2018 by 5pm
– To be uploaded onto MyLearning ‘Turnitin’
– Choose only one of the following topics
– Use the reading material from the workshops.
– Do not put your name on coursework; student number is sufficient
– Deviation from word limit is accepted at level of +/- 10%
– Support will be given for the essay throughout the year.
– Worth 70% of final mark
Question 1
You are the HR director of a London-based general hospital. How can you ensure that your staff are able to carry out their high pressure roles well, and at the same time protect themselves from any detriment to their emotional wellbeing?
Question 2
You are a senior manager for a low budget airline (Ryanair, Easyjet). How can ensure that your staff are able to meet the needs of your customers, without incurring any harm to themselves in terms of burn out and sickness?