Knowledge Question
January 21, 2022Enterprise Architecture
January 21, 2022
Propose marketing concepts and plans through disruptive marketing strategy with cointegration of ethical and entrepreneurial marketing approaches.
DISRUPTIVE, ETHICAL AND ENTREPRENEURIAL MARKETING (DEEM) STRATEGY Times have changed. Today’s consumers drive a market, not just a business. Traditional or conventional marketing strategy may not be competitive enough to bring desired marketing performance. Therefore, companies, products or brands must now tap into a market’s mood and provide what consumers want in terms of product, service, and delivery. Disruptive, ethical, and entrepreneurial marketing (DEEM) is the new ball game. Identify a company with specific products (goods or services). Check on their range of offerings and select a product/brand that is not doing too well and in needs for a total revamp in terms of all the elements of their Marketing Mix and Promotion Mix. Prepare a comprehensive DEEM Marketing proposal that can revitalise or revive the underperform or possibly dying product or brand. The objective is to create awareness, shake the market, and regain market share. For this assignment you need dig more information on the product or services from customers point of views, customer reviews or someone who can provide you with all the vital information you need.
5 pages 1.5 spaces Times new Roman, Plagiarism less than 20% References not less than 6