COPD Medication
February 27, 2022
Management Accounting
February 27, 2022Assessment item 1 create a blog in 500 words ONLINE https://interact2.csu.edu.au/ login to CSU interact2 on the dashboard you will find subject ITC571 emerging technologies and innovation open subject and then you will be redirected to the subject page select subject outline….. and select assessment items and the first assignment you can see will be the blogs… so create a blog based on the requirements. Assessment item 1 Project Blog for Weekly Progress Reports Value: 10% Due date: Variable Return date: – Submission method options Interact2 Discussion Board Task WHAT TO DO: Project Blog and Weekly Progress Reporting Set up and develop your Project Blog as required for this task and later assessment task. The blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and milestones, seminar notes and other important notes. Your local lecturer may advise on a suitable alternative process if studying on-campus. You can use CSU’s Thinkspace site at http://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/. CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else WordPress, Google’s Blogger (https://www.blogger.com/home) are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to use. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g. Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full name. For WEB ADDRESS – use your student number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifiers. Make a first post – a short introduction about you and the project – remember to save, then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project. Post a copy of the BLOG address to the DISCUSSION FORUM to share with others and to demonstrate that you are underway in the subject. For each week from Week 2 to Week 12 inclusive, add a blog post for each Weekly Progress Report as described below. Weekly Progress Reports WHAT TO DO: From Weeks 2 to 12 in the Schedule, you are required to Submit/Bring or Present a Weekly Progress Report on your Capstone project. The Weekly Reports will follow the plan you make in Assessment Item 2 Project Proposal and Plan. is the requirement