An Investigation Into Relationship Between People”S Low Income And Their Education Level
March 21, 2023
Management and Organizations in Global Environment Assignment
March 22, 2023Assessment 1:
Five (5) Short Answer Questions Weighting:
40% Word count:
1500 words Due Date:
31 st March
Aim and purpose of Assessment the aim of this assessment task is to respond to a self-selected group of topics that are based on the Modules (1 & 2) and the associated readings. This assessment task will enable the student to test their knowledge and understanding of concepts such as sociology of health, social health determinates and policy development based on their readings of the modules (1 & 2) and the associated literature. The purpose of this assessment task is to facilitate the written development of your skills and expertise in all of the following learning objectives:
1. Recognise and critique social ideologies and theories which shape public spending on health and aged care and health policy development;
2. Develop and utilise insight into the relationships between politics and power in the construction of health and aged care policy;
3. Explore the concept that interest groups exert power and influence in the area of health and aged care policy formulation;
4. Examine significant historical, structural and environmental factors which affect health and aged care policy development and translation.
5. Consider the global evolution of health and aged care policies and the organisational patterns of health and aged care services, with respect to the World Health Organisation’s commitment to Primary Health Care;
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.11)
Marking criteria and standards: See pages 19-20 of this guide. The student will use the two criterion rubrics as a guide to layout, construction and content for their responses. This assessment task is weighted as 40% of the overall available marks. Each response can attract a score out of 7 (total 35) in addition to a possible score out of 5 for grammar and construction, and use of supportive, appropriate, recent (last 5 years) literature. Total possible score is 40.
Short answer questions – Students will write a brief response (approximately 300 words) in response to five (5) of the eight (8) choices provided.
1. Why is a policy cycle an appropriate tool for developing a new policy? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
2. How is a health policy different to a government policy document? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
3. How does the ‘new public health’ differ from the old public health approach? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
4. What are key sociological issues and how do they determine a person’s state of health? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
400238 – Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care Provision Learning Guide – Autumn 2016
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5. What is meant by the term ‘power’ in policy development and change? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
6. What policy considerations should be included in a national obesity health campaign? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
7. If you were to create a new policy to develop a smoke free environment for the university what are at least 4 factors you would include and why? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).
8. In what ways are “interconnected systems” problematic for health care policy development? (Your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points