Professional Skills for Information and Communication Technology
September 6, 2022
September 6, 2022Lessons Learnt
This is a group assessment.
Completion of PPMP20008 is like a project, there are likely things that went well and things that did not. Reflecting on the experience can be just as meaningful as retaining concepts taught. This assessment item requires you to reflect on your participation in the course, identify lessons learnt, and consider what actions can be taken to address lessons and improve future study projects. Please note these learnings are based on your role as a student in PPMP20008 and not based on the case study.
You will need to determine a framework to base your lessons learnt on. In practice, lessons learnt discussions are usually framed in certain ways to illicit learnings from participants. Consider what is the most effective way to do this within the context of your group (Flex – if not in a group – for you as an individual), the course and the experience during the term.
You must develop, submit and present a 10 minute presentation (in Microsoft PowerPoint) discussing your reflection and lessons learnt, to your peers in week 12. If you are in a tutorial with more than 24 students, you may have to present in week 11 or within the lecture time in week 12. Make sure you discuss how your tutor is going to allocate presentation times. You must be prepared to answer questions from unit participants after your presentation.
Flex students will not present, however must submit a written set of presentation script. This script is to be submitted within the notes section of the PowerPoint slides.
You will be graded based on the quality of your presentation, the lessons learnt framework developed, the lessons shared, and the actions planned to address lessons for future study. Make sure that you clearly present the information required for each assessment criteria. A rubric has also been provided as an indication of what would be expected for different grades against the criteria.
The presentation files must be submitted before Monday of week 12 and the presentations will be arranged during week 12. Depending on class sizes, some students may have to present in earlier weeks. If you are presenting before Monday of week 12, you must submit your presentation files prior to your presentation.
Title Page
Include a title page at the beginning of the Presentation slides with the following information:
- Student name/s and student number/s of all group members
- The unit identifier including the term and year (e.g. PPMP20008, T2), campus, tutors name, tutorial group.
- The document name (e.g. Lessons Learnt)