MGMT20132 – Innovation and Sustainable Business Development
October 28, 2022
MOD003353 – Business Environment
October 29, 2022Coursework 1: Individual report (50%): The 4Ps/marketing mix.
1500 words
Assignment structure
You have been tasked to describe how the marketing techniques listed are used in marketing products or services and compare and contrast how effective the application of the 4Ps is for one pair of brands (NOT ALL OF THEM) from the list below
Brand A | Brand B |
Yorkshire Tea | Twinning’s English Breakfast Tea |
Lucozade Energy drink | Red Bull Energy drink |
Sure Deodorant for women | Dove deodorant for women |
Apple watch series 7 | Fitbit Versa 3 Galaxy Watch 4 |
Alpro Yogurt | Muller Yogurt |
Nivea for Men Skin Moisturiser | L’Oréal Men Expert Moisturiser |
Kellogg’s Special K | Weetabix |
Heineken lager | Stella Artois lager |
You can use images where possible to support your point of view. You only have 1500 words for your report so you need to follow the content/structure of the report carefully.
Structure of the report (4p’s / Marketing Mix):
- Cover Page: A tittle or cover page includes all the information regarding Name, student ID, Module details, University name required accordingly.
- Executive Summary: You need to write a summary of the report not more than half page to encourage the reader to read further by including the following information:
- The aim of the report,
- The methods of research,
- The result (Top-line summary only)
- Conclusion
- Contents Page: Outlines or list of what you have included in the
- An Introduction: Introduction should be quite Background of the brands with description of the corporate history and useful data such as market share, market size and trends in sales. This should cover aim of the report.
- Findings: Select two organisations (brands) to compare and contrast from the list Research the following about the selected brands and describe with examples how each brand utilises these techniques to market products:
- Target Market: Comparison of target markets of the selected
- Product / Brand: Evaluation of products and their brand value by Levitt’s Model by five different levels (Core benefit, Generic product, Expected Product, Augmented product and potential product) and Aaker’s brand personality 5dimension Model (1. Sincerity 2. Excitement 3. Competence Sophistication 5. Ruggedness)
- Price: Evaluation of the pricing strategies used (cost- based pricing, value added pricing, demand-based pricing, market skimming, market penetration, psychological pricing.
- Place: (Distribution)Distribution and channel management of the brands (Coverage, Locations, Inventory, Transportation, Logistics)
- Promotion: Explain the communication mix and describe the communication methods of the brands (Cinema, TV, outdoor, print, social media, mobile, own website ).
Conclusion and Recommendations: Summarise based on evidence submitted on how effective the brands use of the 4p’s have been overall.
- How has each brand applied the 4p’s?
- Why have they applied the 4p’s in this way?
- Which brand have been most successful in its application of the 4p’s?
Reference List: Include all the references according to alphabetical order for the report and make sure to include the bibliographies if you read any book for this assignment.
Appendices: Use the appendices to display any raw research data such as pricing data which the reader access anywhere else.