HI5016 Tri1
September 12, 2022Marketing & Management Help
September 12, 2022ASSESSMENT DETAILS
N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.
N.B. Please note word counts should include quotes and tables but not appendices.
Part 1 of the Final Assignment – dissertation
Dissertation – 8-10,000 words (80% of total mark)
The dissertation should be 1.5 spaced, Font 12, Arial, with a ‘normal’ margin. The work should be uploaded onto moodle into the drop box on MMB021 by:
Part One Details:
The following provides a view of the sort of evidence we are looking for within the dissertation element.
Format of the dissertation.
The dissertation is a very specific type of document. Its purpose is to be examined by at least two academics that will, based on the quality of the work, decide if it merits being passed at Masters level. The guidelines followed by the examiners are relatively simple. They look for the following:
1) How well the research problem has been formulated, hypothesis generated or objectives set.
2) Familiarity with relevant literature, critical evaluation of the contribution of the literature to the study, and the use of it to support the objectives of the study.
3) How a methodology has been developed and used. This includes an understanding of theory generation, selection of data collection and analytical techniques, how the study has been managed, and limitations of the method.
4) Within the findings the examiners are looking for clarity in interpretation of the basic findings, and a wider discussion of the meaning of those findings in relation to the issues identified from the literature and the original parameters imposed at the outset of the study.
5) Whether the dissertation has conclusions that relate to the objectives of the study, the literature and the primary data.
6) How well the dissertation is written up, quality of presentation, the use of English, the ease of reading etc.
7) Finally, you have demonstrated maturity by being able to identify the weaknesses or limitations in your study.
From an examiner’s perspective, most of the above points are considered at two levels. The first is whether they exist and how well they have been dealt with. Second, how they combine to make up the dissertation. It is one thing to be able to name all the different elements of a dissertation, but another to understand how they combine to create a quality end product. This means that you have a role to play in assessing the quality of your own work.