BUS1016 Semester Two Assignment Brief
August 1, 2022
BMS0021 International Business Strategy Assessment
August 2, 2022ASSIGNMENT 1 – TITLE: Strategic Analysis
Learning outcomes:
K1. Understanding of the origins and various approaches to strategy
K2. Understanding of the complexity of the relationships between the organisation and its environment
K3. Understanding of international/global strategic thinking
K4. Understanding of the application of strategy ideas in practice
S1. The ability to analyse the complexity of organisations and their environments
S2. The ability to synthesise earlier, diverse and possible piecemeal studies of the organisation and assimilate new theoretical models and offer solutions relative to strategic issues
S3. The ability to evaluate existing models and methodologies against observations of the practices of real organisations
You are required to submit an individual report of 3,000 words, which can be based on an organization or idea of your own choice. The strategic analysis must be related to a recognised aspect of business policy, strategic management or the philosophical underpinning of a particular methodology within the public or private sector strategic management domain.
If your analysis is of an organisation then do not submit a functional analysis; for example do not submit a strategic marketing analysis or a strategic human resource analysis. You should be applying the concepts and models from the topics that are within the module to your chosen organisation.
The report must be written in a recognised style, i.e. table of contents, introduction, main analysis, conclusions, recommendations, references and bibliography. You must apply the Harvard system of referencing in your report. The word count must be stated on the front page of your assignment. The word count includes the front page, executive summary and or abstract, contents page, introduction, main analysis, conclusions, recommendations, diagrams, tables, figures and graphs; The word count does not include references,
bibliography and appendices. A penalty will be applied for exceeding the word count. The penalties that will be applied for exceeding the word count can be found in Table 1.
To analyse a business policy or strategic management topic, to carry out individual research or evaluation of an organization.
Meet the learning outcomes listed above, identify and critically analyse fundamental issues related to strategic management. Undertake a study that shows clear evidence of synthesis and evaluation.
There are a number of ways you might carry out this assignment: here are a few ideas:
- Use a theoretical model to reflect upon the reality (practice) of a situation. Use theory to predict the outcomes of practice. Use practice to reflect upon / modify theory.
- Compare theory and practice: Does M.E. Porter’s (1985) model of competition support the experience of practitioners? i.e. use a practical example /case / issue to reflect on Porter’s model(s) and examine success and / or failure.
- A case study approach: Is Satya Nadella, C.E.O. managing Microsoft as effectively as he might? i.e. do an analysis of Microsoft’s performance in relation to declared (or undeclared) strategy and the efficacy of his strategy.
- A recovery plan: My advice to the Chief Executive Officer of the Toshiba Corporation is ……i.e. suggest a way forward for the organization in light of their poor performance over recent years.
- A risk management strategy: My advice to Tesco’s Chief Executive Officer in light of their 2014/5 £6.4 Billion trading loss.
These are merely examples of approaches you might take; thinking up your own ideas might be more productive and fun. You are encouraged where practical to discuss your ideas with your tutor prior to commencing the assignment.
Assessment Criteria
Your seminar tutor on the basis of the following general criteria will assess the paper:
- The university generic assessment criteria
- Discretion – additional credit may be awarded to a student who tackles a difficult
subject well.
The “Presentation” element of the Generic Assessment Criteria will be used to assess the report structure.