Entrepreneurship and Marketing
Core Information: Individual/Group Individual Assignment Word limit: 2000 words in total (plus or minus 10%) Aim The following questions are all based on the GoPro case
Core Information: Individual/Group Individual Assignment Word limit: 2000 words in total (plus or minus 10%) Aim The following questions are all based on the GoPro case
Assignment Overview For this Assignment you will install a computer system, 64-bit operating system on Virtual Box. You will be allocated a computer system by your
Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1: Identify an appropriate research topic and formulate appropriate objectives LO3: Produce a critical literature review and research methodology LO4: Undertake primary research
1 Comparison Portfolio 1250 words ( plus or minus 10%) Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Contextual understanding of the theoretical approaches
Comparison between Samsung and APPLE Question EBUS301 E-BUSINESS MODELS AND STRATEGY SAMPLE Introduction Samsung is one of the most leading Multi-national South Korean Companies, which was
Research Paper 2: Assessment criteria ASSESSMENT Weighting: Length/Limit: TOTAL 25% Presentation (10%): 10 minutes (throughout the trimester) Written report (15%): 5,000 words (+/-) 10% (Due: Friday,
Individual/Group Individual Assignment Word limit: 2000 words in total (plus or minus 10%) Aim The
Learning outcomes addressed Knowledge & Understanding: 1. Critically discuss factors relating to the information requirements of organisations 2. Critically appraise the overall rationale, key stages, deliverables
Length: 1600-2000 words Value Task: Complete one of the following options: OPTION 1: Apply one or more aspects of gender criticism and/or feminist literary theory to
Total word limit (questions 1-5 inclusive): 1500 words David Robinson and David Brigden, August 2010 1. Write a case note on SJ Connelly CPP Pty Ltd
HI6008 Assignment 2 Requirements Structure All HI6008 Students Enrol in the Semester need to follow below Assignment structure: 1. Introduction 2. Project Objective 3. Project Scope
PORTFOLIO PARTAAND PART B ASSESSMENT 3 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Overview Length or Duration Worth Due Portfolio related to PEP Part A Reflection 1000 words (30% Weighting), Part B