Assessment 2: Marketing Plan
October 8, 2022
DGMC2 – Developing Global Management Competencies
October 11, 2022ASSIGNMENT TASK 1
The assignment for this subject is an individual essay of maximum 4,000 words. The assignment accounts for 50% of the total mark of the subject.
Students are required to submit (a) an electronic copy of the essay through turnitin and (b) a hardcopy of the essay to their tutor, by 2 May.
Topic of Assignment:
Case: Kent Chemical: Organizing for International Growth
(in Bartlett C. A. and Beamish, P. W. 2014, Transnational Management, chapter 4)
Please answer the following questions:
1. What were the problems facing Luis Morales as he began implementing Ben Fisher’s international expansion strategy?
2. How would you evaluate the organizational changes he made in response to those problems? Why were they unsuccessful?
3. What do you think of Sterling Partners’ recommendations? What did Kent get for the $1.8 million fee?
4. What should Morales recommend? What should Chairman Ben Fisher decide?