RWBI BIO0226 Assignment Two
September 28, 2022
Mental Health Assessment
September 28, 2022COURSEWORK BRIEF
This coursework is worth 50% of the total module marks available for this module. This is an individual piece of work; therefore, you should not share ideas with others, while completing this work.
Your task is to discuss a current situation in the Online Entertainment Management domain. In particular, you are required to “Explore the rise of online and mobile payment platforms and their implication for online entertainment services”. You should write an Academic Report of 2,000 words, excluding references, appendices, and abstract. Your approach should be analytical and critical, contrasting different ideas, criticising others’ perspectives, and elaborating your arguments with substantial information from relevant sources.
This report is to be conducted using only secondary data. Students are supposed to use academic and industry sources, including legitimate online sources. Be careful of checking whether a source is legitimate and whether a piece of information is correct (check twice in different sources). Please note you will need to provide your sources for the analysis within this piece of work, according to Westminster Harvard referencing style.
See below some examples of online payment platforms, as well as links to news items and official advice with regard to challenges the industry and consumers are faced with:
- Abstract 5%
o A short summary of your report. The abstract should provide an overview of the whole report, from your main arguments to your main conclusions and recommendations (i.e. one paragraph long, hence, should be succinct). - Introduction 10%
o Students will be rewarded for their effort in introducing the context in which the discussed topic is relevant. Clearly define the context and the topic, and add the structure of the report in the introduction. - Findings and Analysis 50%
o In this section, students should present the findings and analyse them accordingly. It is very important to be coherent here, by defining the aspects they are analysing. In the analysis, they should examine these aspects that they have identified in order to understand the context and the topic in more depth. - Conclusions and Recommendations 20%
o Students should summarise the main aspects of their report and clearly point out how the lessons learnt from the example they have analysed, could inform the industry in relation to future payment innovations and their
implications (look for patterns). - References 10%
o Students should strictly follow the Westminster Harvard Referencing style, for both in-text and the reference list. Students will be rewarded for their effort to follow a clear style consistently and for giving full references correctly, including from online sources. - Presentation 5%
o Format, structure and presentation of the report should be professional, including English and academic language used (proofreading is strongly advised). A title page, along with a Table of Contents should be used, plus Graphs and Tables should be easy to read and understand and fully cited. Remember: this is not a High School coursework; this is supposed to have the proper quality of an academic report.