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March 28, 2022
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March 28, 2022An assignment is a task that is a part of a student’s academic life. In their academics years, they have to deal with so many assignments from each subject. As we know before we start to write an assignment on any subject, the first thing you have to do is research on the topic and have to select the format which you are going to use in the assignment. Whenever we start to write academic assignments we ensure that, is there any particular requirements or guidelines are provided by the academe.
In this blog, you will learn many guides regarding academic writings and we make sure that it will be helpful for you in actuality.
Why Do You Need Guide For Assignment Writing
In case, if you are thinking about why do you need any kind of guidance for assignment writing? So there are some authentic reasons behind this. Like, if you are aware of skills of writing and knowledge about writing then you can write any type of assignment, dissertation, thesis, etc. But in case, if you have a lack of knowledge and are not aware of the pattern of writing then it could be possible that you will create a mess in your assignment. Still, if you are going to write your assignment for the first time then you need to follow some guidelines while writing.
Before we begin to start, we need to learn about assignments:
What Is An Assignment?
Essays, assignments, statement of purpose, admission essays, dissertations, thesis, class presentations, term papers, end of semester papers and etc.
Well, are you thinking all these terms belong to the same thing? Then it’s not true! It’s just a myth. Every university and college all around the world use many terms for various types of academic writing. Each term belongs to one of the particular categories of academic writing; writing an assignment requires a particular reason with the specific end results in mind. Having an entire structure in your mind before writing will not only help you to write assignments but somehow it will make it more effective and better. Some universities ask students to write SOP (statement of purpose) which may cause them to write their reasons to study in a particular university. The SOP is separate from the assignments because the purpose of this writing belongs to you or your college teachers and university professors while pursuing a specific academic course.
An assignment is like, a usual term that may be used to belong with anything that is ‘assigned’ to you during the course of study. The word may be identically used for ‘term papers’, ‘end of semester papers’ or ‘essays’ that you write to earn plus point in your course which may help you in future.
Why Do An Assignment?
As we told you earlier, an assignment is a task that is generally given by the teachers, and the reason behind this is a test! Teachers provide assignments to students because they want to increase their ability to understand what they have been taught.
It could be possible if a teacher will ask you to write a general summary of what has been taught in class or a review on any one of the books referred to in the list of reading materials. Besides, it is quite common for university professors to assign a topic on which student has to do original research from authentic sources where they can get the accurate solution and link their arguments to the discussions in the class.
How To Choose A Topic For Your Assignment?
If the teacher has provided you with the topic then you just need to stick to the given topic as closely as possible. But, if you have to choose your assignment topic on your own, so there you will get the opportunity to choose interesting and unusual topics in order to impress the teacher, but keep this in your mind whatever the topic you are going to choose will relate to what you have been taught in class.
You might choose the common topic to write about but don’t write on the general theories of thermodynamics which has nothing to do with your course. If you are still confused, and thinking of taking help from your seniors or graduate assistants (several universities provide them) can be a good idea.
Besides, there are many online assignment help providers on the internet and they provide either email-based assignment help to students. Such as our website CheapestAssignment.com.
How To Organize Your Subject Matter?
Now you have enough knowledge about what an assignment is, so there you have to learn about “how to organize your subject matter”? You can take help from your class notes of the main points which are taught by the teacher. Before starting to use the note first you need to compare the notes with the topic and try to understand whether they are related or not. At last, you will get to know the main point, you might say that you completed half of your assignment. And now time to do some research from authentic sources if needed.
You can simply connect to each of the points and do your research properly. Here is an example below:
For example, your topic is, “marketing mix of Apple products”, then separate your assignment into the following sub-topics:
- The brief concept of the marketing mix
- The 4ps of marketing mix namely product, price, place and promotion
- The 4ps of marketing mix of Apple company
- Amplify on each of the 4ps.
If your teacher has already covered these sub-topics in the class, then you just need to research these sub-themes and compare your findings with notes, after that you can connect each of them in your assignment.
What Is The Best Format To Use?
Different subjects have different writing methodologies. However, few points are common in all the subjects. A five-paragraph essay is a classic format, even though there is no tricky and fast rule. A well-written essay must contain a description or an introduction where you put your research question and your methodology.
Stick to the following structure while writing a marketing case study: Start with an outline of your arguments or at least explain it very clear what you are trying to do. Follow it up by your research methodology or how you are going to conduct the research, this should be followed by a context description and then to the main body of your case study. Finally, gives an outline of your findings and state your recommendations.
While we give you a preview of how to structure your assignment with the best format, well there are multiple subject matter that requires a detailed discussion.
How To Do Research On The Topic?
This is a very important part of writing an assignment because when you working on any kind of topic which is chosen for your assignment, then you have to do research from many authentic sources for an accurate solution. Besides, students used to run from one library to another in order to get help but now things are changing and you have internet, so you also don’t need to hurry up and run here to there for collecting the data for the assignment. There you can also get many research papers that are now published online instead of being stored in the dusty shelves of university or public libraries. You can simply log on to the concerned website with the help of your internet and get the research paper you want.
It will help you to complete the college assignment in an easy way and come up with a good grade. Many online sites have research articles and papers which can be examined by students in place of a small amount of money. Few sites even provide these articles free of cost you can get from there. JSTOR is one of the sites where you can get thousands of research articles, books and other primary sources. Access to such articles will only be through institutional subscription programs. But somehow, you will still require the help of a physical library to get access to such articles.
How to write an essay with the help of some successful method
Likely, all the big publication houses such as Taylor and Francis, AIP Publishers, Wiley Publications, Routledge and Sage and Blackwell have online resources which can be used by particular students. However, all these sites are paid sites that can be only used after paying a subscription fee. Keep this in mind these sites usually charge high fees which aren’t easy to pay for students. Make sure to check, did your university has paid subscription membership to these sites. Because there are several universities that do the subscription. If your university does subscribe to these journals then you can use them for free of cost from your university or college library computers. At last, despite the online revolution, there is still no match for actual physical libraries, so do take some time to go out and visit it. You might find something helpful not just about your topic but to related topics as well.
How To Do Citation?
The basis of good academic writing is a citation. If you don’t do the citation properly that might cause your work turns out to be copied.
Usually, here students’ intelligence comes to the endpoint when they have to confront with referencing, footnoting and citing. All those names, places and dates of publication, page numbers etc. It seems to drive them crazy. But when they do it correctly, citations can get extra brownie points from your college professor.
There are many citation styles are available. And in some cases your university set up their specific style, so you can ask them before using an invalid style which is not passed by your university or college. In case, if there is no specific format is provided by your university then you can follow the Harvard or Chicago citation formats. And about Science students, they can use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation format, while humanities students can go for the MLA (Modern Languages Association) format.
Look into below following styles and learn the brief introduction:
Harvard referencing style is the kind of style where we follow an ‘author/date system for ‘in-text’ citations followed by a reference list at the end of the paper. Suppose the reference is J. Smith & S. Bruce, “A Guide to Personal Management” McGraw Hill, Sydney, 1997, then write it in the following manner: “Smith & Bruce 1997” for in-text citation followed by the “J. Smith & S. Bruce, “A Guide to Personal Management” McGraw Hill, Sydney, 1997” in the list of references.
- For the Chicago style, the names of authors along with the titles of the books and journal articles should come in the footnotes below each page. If you are citing a book then italicize its name. On the other hand, if you are citing the name of a journal article, then put the name within either single quotation marks or double quotation marks.
- APA style also follows in-text citations and a reference list at the end of the essay. Usually, it is followed by science students, instead of MLA style which is followed by students of liberal arts and humanities. In MLA style, we simply put the author’s name followed by the page number within parenthesis. So if you are citing J. Smith & S. Bruce, “A Guide to Personal Management” McGraw Hill, Sydney, 1997, then simply write (Smith & Bruce p. 118).
How Do You Cite A Website: Tips On Referencing With Best Examples?
How To Create A Bibliography
When you are writing a paper or a book, so the bibliography will play an important role. Because without including a bibliography you can’t say that you have done your work properly.
Bibliography allows your reader to know what sources you’ve used. It’s a list of all the books, articles, and other references you cited in or used to give your work identity. Bibliographies are commonly formatted according to one of three styles: American Psychological Association (APA) for scientific papers, Modern Language Association (MLA) for humanities papers, and Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) for the social sciences. As we already told you about these styles above. And bibliography gives your teacher a quick review of your work.
There are some important following points that you should remember while doing the final review:
At this point, your all work is done. No matter how good you are at your work, it is quite possible that some invisible mistakes can still happen, and may ruin your impression and give teacher a chance to cut your marks. So just make sure about the following points:
- Re-read your assignment twice before submitting it. There can be grammatical mistakes, syntactical and typographical errors too.
- Check, if there is a lack of linkage in your essay. If it does not make sense to you then quite possible that you have written it all wrong.
- Check your sources of information twice. Is there any crucial point you have missed out on? Or did you mistakenly cite a wrong fact or a wrong site/source? You can be penalized for getting a fact wrong or missing out on an important point.
- At last, check if there any content is plagiarized so you can change it into a new one. Because plagiarizm is illegal in academia. You can lose your grade point or even be suspended for the unforgivable sin. Plagiarism has so many types. The worst is copy-paste when you simply lift a couple of lines or an entire paragraph and paste it into your essay. There are other types of plagiarism methods too. If students in universities have been found to lift ideas from other students or a subject expert and smartly change them so that they appear as original. Some students might also submit their earlier assignments. This too is wrong, Whatever you write should be an original logical product.
If you are still confused about what we discussed in the whole blog, here is a quick recap:
- An assignment is a work given by a college or a university to their students as a part of his/her course requirement in order to achieve extra points. Assignments, as we discussed before, can also be written for non-credit courses.
- The topic of the assignment can be given by the teacher or chosen by you as well. If you are writing on a chosen topic then always try to link your topic with what has been discussed in class.
- Analyze your main points. Make a rough written note of what you are going to write and stick to that. It is easy to depart from your main focus if your thoughts are dissolved.
- Follow a specific structure. An introduction should provide the research question in understanding terms. Follow it up with your research findings. Briefly connect to your main argument in the conclusion.
- Do thorough research. Identify all your main themes and the sub-themes included. You can use the following options: the library, the reference materials supplied by the professor or the online resources available on the internet.
- Stick with a graceful style. Your style should be not too complex neither it should be too casual. Paragraphs should flow into another one. The whole structure should be sound logical.
- Make sure your argument should be strong. Students often tend to play it safe by citing experts but shying away from making an original claim. But it could impress your teacher and they might reward you for your boldness.
- Citation is key for scoring high. Ask your teacher whether he or she has any preference for any particular style. If not, then stick to any one of the following: Harvard referencing style, Chicago format, APA style or MLA citation style. Please do not mix up your citation styles with another one.
- Recheck your assignment once again if there are any possible mistakes. No matter how minor they are, can ruin your impression.
These points will surely help you to score well and improve your chances of getting noticed by the teacher. Assignment writing can sometimes be tricky but when you handle it properly; it can be a source of joy and satisfaction. So remember these tips and get back to work.
Get help from CheapestAssignment.com
If you are not able to get enough time for your assignment then you can seek our expert to help you in order to get a better score. Our experts are more knowledgeable about the particular format you will ask for. And also you will get a pocket-friendly price for your assignment. So without wasting any further, go and place your order as soon you place your order at CheapestAssignment.com then in the next moment our team will guide you with the best service you will ever get.