LWD101 Ethics, Law and Health Care
July 15, 2022
Assessment Item #2 – Essay
The assessment strategy
Assessment task 1: group assignment. (Learning outcomes 1, 2, 6). Available for tutor reassessment. Not marked anonymously. 50% of total mark.
Assessment task 2: 2000 word maximum individual reflection (Learning outcomes 3 and 5). Available for tutor reassessment. Not marked anonymously. 50% of total mark. Final assessment.
Assessment brief(s)
Assessment Task 1: Group Assignment (50%)
This assignment involves students working normally in groups of five. Groups will normally be arranged by the module leader. Wherever possible, the module leader will try to ensure that the groups are culturally mixed and gender mixed. Each group will be required to select a recent journal article that focuses on one aspect of the topic you have chosen. There are a number of journal articles under MyReading on Unilearn which may be used. Alternative journal articles may be used, but these must be agreed with the module leader.
This assessment has two parts:
Part 1:
The group should prepare and deliver a short presentation to include the following:
1) A brief summary of the chosen article including its key concepts
2) Comment on how the article relates to cross-cultural management
3) A critique of the article to include your observations on the strengths and weaknesses of the article
The presentations will be scheduled during the teaching programme. The schedule will be organised and publicised in the first three weeks of teaching.
The presentation should last no more than 10 minutes. It will be followed by questions and a short class discussion.
Each member of the group must participate in the presentation and in roughly equal proportion.
Other groups should participate in the discussion/Q&A section.
Students should pay particular attention to the quality of the supporting presentation materials (for example, PowerPoint slides).
Supporting materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides) must be submitted on to the Unilearn link by Sunday 23.59pm 11 th March. The first page of the supporting materials should include all members’ names, student numbers, and allocated presentation time (e.g., Monday 12 th March).
The groups are expected to work together in completion of the presentation. The exercise is intended to provide opportunities to develop group working skills and cross cultural group work skills.
Part 2:
Part 2 of this assignment requires each member of the group to submit an individual written piece of work on Unilearn.
This should be around 500 words in length
Be individual piece of writing
Students are required to reflect and comment on this particular cross cultural teamwork experience, using relevant concepts and theories.
Submission via Unilearn, by Sunday 23.59pm 25 th March.
Part 1 and part 2 each takes up 50% of your final mark for Assessment 1.
Assessment task 2: 2,000 words (Max.) individual self-evaluation and development plan (50%) Section 1 should contain a self-evaluation of your cross-cultural attributes, skill and competencies relevant to a future carer in international management. It should comment on your personal development in these areas. The self-evaluation should use concepts, tools and theories introduced on the module through the module topic and the recommended readings and exercises on these topics. These should be referenced. Section 2 should contain a development plan for the next six months. This module take into consideration the self-evaluation you have done in Section 1 and identify two specific competencies (taken from the module topics) that you would like to develop further in those six months. Explain how you are looking to develop the chosen competencies. Demonstrate and awareness and understanding of the relevant concepts, tools, frameworks, theories and literatures on the topic (see module topics for relevant readings). Demonstrate an ability to apply this understand of the topic in informing your self-development plan. The plan should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. A table can be used as a starting point in discussing your SMART plan. Include practical examples HOW you will achieve your targets. Identify opportunities to support your plan.